The Messenger First Evangelical & Reformed United Church of - TopicsExpress


The Messenger First Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ Asheboro, NC Reverend Dale Kennedy, Pastor/Editor August 21, 2013 “Serving Christ and our community since 1938!” Can we save the lost? Unbelievable! How tragic! This was my reaction to what happened to Christopher Lane, the baseball player who was shot and killed while out jogging. One of the teenage assailants was reported to be laughing when he was caught and arrested. What have we come to? Is there no level to which we won’t sink? How low in the gutter can we go? The loss in this crime is beyond comprehension. A young man is gunned down, robbed of a promising future. And three other young men, still in their teens, have essentially forfeited their futures. Four young lives, lost in a moment of foolishness. Is there any redemption possible in this situation? I am reminded of Jesus’ words in Luke: “The Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost.” Jesus said these words to justify his actions regarding a man named Zacchaeus, who was a tax collector and who was considered beyond redemption by the Jewish religious community. Jesus came to him and affirmed that no man or woman is beyond redemption. Sometimes the cruelty of this life causes us to question whether people can be beyond redemption. What salvation is there for any one who will take another life just because of boredom? What hope is there for someone who has so lost his way that human life means nothing? Can there be redemption for someone who has sunk so low? The answer of the Gospel is a resounding YES. If the Gospel means anything, it means that the love and redemption of God are for anyone and everyone. The Gospel says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Is there hope for these three young men? Is there hope for the rapist, the kidnapper or the thief? Is there hope for the one who has strayed so far away that he or she can’t remember what it is to walk in the light? Can the lost be saved? Before we answer, let us ask one more question. Is there hope for us? You see, we too are sinners. Is there hope for us as we get caught up in our own sins and failings? If there is hope and redemption for us, then there must be hope and redemption for these three young men. As the writer in 1 John 4:10 says, “In this is love, not what we loved God, but that God loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.” It is the love of God in Jesus Christ that gives us and all sinners hope and redemption. In our anger and frustration, we look at these three young men and say they are beyond hope and redemption. They are lost. But God sees these three young men and loves them and grieves over them. There is hope for them. Redemption is possible. Their hope is God, and our hope as a society plagued by continuing violence, hatred and sin is God and the redemption of God in the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. May God have mercy on Christopher Lane’s family, to comfort them in their loss. May God have mercy on James Francis Edwards Jr., Chancey Allen Luna, Michael Dewayne Jones, and their families. And may God have mercy on all of us. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. * * * * Chicken Pie Sale Our famous chicken pies will be on sale this Saturday, August 24, at our church fellowship hall from 10 a.m. till 12 Noon. They are $10 each. Come out and get some. * * * * Youth Pool Party The middle high/senior high youth will have a back-to-school pool party and cookout at the home of Youth Assistant, Elizabeth Morton this Sunday, August 25, from 5-7 p.m. * * * * HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREETINGS! Vernon Councilman…August 23 Tom Fox…August 25 Ruby Bowers…September 2 Linda Dix…September 2 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Jimmy and Judy Garner…August 19 Peggy and Joe Lineberry…September 2 * * * * Let us remember in prayer… Pam and Doug Smith; Mary Jane Brown; Randy Everhart; Helen Stamatas, Debbie’s mother; Reverend Ed Davis, SOC Conference Minister; our homebound and nursing home members; teachers, staff and students returning to school; President Obama; Congress; Governor McCrory; N.C. General Assembly; military personnel and families; victims of natural disaster. The Unseen Bridge There is a bridge, whereof the span Is rooted in the heart of man, And reaches, without pile or rod, Unto the Great White Throne of God. Its traffic is in human sighs Fervently wafted to the skies; ‘Tis the one pathway from despair; And it is called the Bridge of Prayer. -Gilbert Thomas * * * * A New School Year In just a few days, 4,800 students will begin a new year in our Asheboro City Schools, and nearly 17,800 students will begin a new year in the Randolph County School system. Be careful on the streets and roads. They will be busy with buses, cars and students going to and from school. Pray that our students and staff have a good and safe year filled with fun, excitement and much new information about God’s wonderful world and their place in it. Consider volunteering at your child’s or grandchild’s school or the school in your neighborhood. The most important ingredient to a successful school year and program is an informed and supportive citizenry. DO YOUR PART! Prayer: O God, make us good stewards of the minds, hearts and hopes of the students entrusted to our care. Amen. * * * * What is it? It is defined as “a compartment in the auditorium of a church providing seats for several persons.” What is it? It is a pew. Have you been in yours lately? * * * * A Blessing O Christ, our only Savior, so dwell within us that we may have the light of hope in our eyes, the fire of inspiration on our lips, your word on our tongues, and your love in our hearts. Amen. * * * * See you Sunday! Pastor Dale
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 20:14:31 +0000

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