The Messiah is Coming. Prophet Owuor tremendous vision of Coming - TopicsExpress


The Messiah is Coming. Prophet Owuor tremendous vision of Coming Judgment Part 3 One thing that struck and stunned me in this visitation, was the manner in which the angel of the LORD flew across the face of the earth. It was the amount of ravaging destruction that the angel of the LORD left behind as he flew past every nation, that indeed underscored the gravity and impact of this prophecy. From a distance, the angel of the LORD then said with a loud voice; “DESTRUCTION COMING TO THE EARTH” With these words out of his mouth, I saw mayhem, tempest, confusion, and wanton destruction befall the planet earth, in a manner never ever witnessed before. Immediately debris covered the earth, especially trailing the nations that the angel of the LORD had visited. The mayhem came about as a result of the most historic Earthquakes and Tsunamis which had now come upon the face of the earth, in that vision. The Earthquakes that the LORD showed me as coming, were so historic as has never happened on the face of the earth. They were accompanied by the most horrific and historic Floods ever recorded since the day of inception of mother earth. Even as the angel of the LORD went away, it appeared as though he flew in the direction of the sunset. This is owing to the glowing reddish orange rays that I could see ahead of him, as he continued on with his mission. This could have implied that he came from the direction of the East and was headed west. It also imputes to the fact that when the onset of all these events comes to pass, it would be at sundowner. Similarly, the sunset-like rays upon the angel of the LORD could also have been the flames that would be lit up, upon the arrival of these earthquakes and tsunamis. They would then have to be earthquake-ignited fires. One could not rule out either flames that would be induced by mayhem, riots and protests in those nations. Then came the stunning heaps upon heaps, of humongous quantities of mangled debris upon the face of the earth as she had been smitten. As the intensity of Earthquakes beheld the nations, electric transformers also blew up, setting up huge fires upon large quantities of property. Untold levels of destruction devastated the earth, to the extent that Tsunamis, Floods, Fires, Civil wars, resulted into huge quantities of mangled debris.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 08:52:29 +0000

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