The Metabolic Effect All Access Pass allows you to get all current - TopicsExpress


The Metabolic Effect All Access Pass allows you to get all current and future ME programs for just one small payment. But the deal ends tomorrow at midnight. metaboliceffect/product/me-lifestylers-club-pass/ This New Years skip the diet and start on the journey that will make a lasting difference. Here is an email we sent out this morning to our list that gives some insight on the process: The Metabolic GPS You know when you type an address into your GPS you feel comfortable in the knowledge that it will get you from point A to point B? Part of the reason you feel that confidence is you have done it so many times and it has worked reliably. You can be in a completely different city, punch in an address, follow the commands and arrive at your destination with certainty, right? That is the way your health and fitness journey should be. You use a reliable process that you repeat over and over again. The first time you use it, like the first time you ever used a GPS, you were likely unsure if it would work. Of course after you used it a few times you started to trust it more. You started becoming familiar with just how far 800m ahead was. You begin to be able to predict its behavior and knew that if you missed a turn, it may take a little longer, but the unit would predictable reroute you. This is unlike a diet. A diet is like pulling over on the side of a busy road in a foreign city and asking the guy on the corner, who does not speak much english, how to get somewhere. He gives you directions of 5 different turns and 3 different landmarks while two people behind you beep and yell at you in annoyance. You drive off misunderstanding half of what they said and already forgetting the other half you understood. Now you need to pull over two or three more times just to figure out where the hell you are. That is exactly what following the latest diet is like. What you need is a Metabolic GPS and I am going to teach you how to make one. The three metabolisms There are three components to your metabolic GPS. They are: - The shared human metabolism - The individual metabolism - The metabolic compass The Shared Metabolism The shared human metabolism is the attributes of your physiology you share with every other human. This is just like your physical appearance. You may look different from any other human on the planet, but there is no mistaken you are human. If you hope for your metabolic GPS to get you to the town of health and fitness, you need to understand how the machinery you are driving works. Here is something to remember about the shared human metabolism. It is like being in a tug-o-war match. It fights back against every single thing you do. You eat less it pulls harder, you exercise more it pulls harder, you try to stay up late and fight through the stress at work and your metabolism yanks you right off your feet. Here is a hint: you will NEVER win a tug-o-war battle with your metabolism any more than you could win a football gam against a Big Mac Truck. If your metabolism were like a car, when you put the car in drive it would let you go a few feet before the slamming the thing into reverse. If you open the door it would shut it again right in your face. You need to understand these natural actions of the metabolism above all else. It is the reason that diets do not work. Here is what I want you to do instead. I want you to think about what you can eat and the type of exercise you can do that makes your metabolism not fight back against you so hard. The Individual Metabolism This is where your individual metabolism comes into play. Anyone who pushes too hard on their metabolism by dieting will see it fight back against them with increased hunger, energy change and unrelenting cravings (or as the ME community calls it HEC or heck). But what causes the metabolism to fight back varies from person to person. You might be able to go until noon without eating, then go workout before having a salad for your first meal of the day. You might be able to go to dinner and eat some chicken and broccoli with a small baked potato and feel great before falling soundly asleep. I may follow that exact same regime and almost pass out from low blood sugar by the time lunch rolled around. As a result of the fasting and the work out, I may find myself downing five donuts and a pint of half & half as a result. Part of the reason diets and new years resolutions fail is because they don’t: - teach you how the metabolism works - teach how to learn your body’s own responses to eating frequency, exercise intensity, sleep quality and stress among other things. The Metabolic Compass The truth is when you are trying to achieve a weight loss goal, the metabolism does not share your desires. It’s goal is to keep fat on your body at all costs. It is an ancient mechanism that kept your ancestors alive when the next meal could be days or a week away. In order to get the metabolism to head in the direction you want it too, you need to work with its natural tendencies not against it. You need to convince it that it does not have to worry about food so much and that there is plenty. This means learning to recognize when the metabolism is about to fight back against your actions and then beating it to the punch by changing your approach before it realizes it. This is like using a compass to know exactly where you want to go, but purposely deviating from your chosen course before eventually coming back to it. You can do this by understanding your body’s metabolic toggles. I did an entire blog about this that you can read about here. But the general idea is that you have 4 approaches to diet and exercise. They are - Eat less, exercise less (ELEL) - Eat more, exercise more (EMEM) - Eat less, exercise more (ELEM) - Eat more, exercise less (EMEL) Each of these four approaches can be used to manipulate the metabolism into doing what you want it to do. To lose weight you need to create a calorie deficit and to make the weight loss last you need to keep the metabolism balanced. The most balanced state of the metabolism occurs with ELEL and EMEM. This is why you want to spend most of your time in one of these two. But then you switch gears on occasion as it suits you to keep the metabolism from adapting. Lets take the example of a busy business women. Perhaps during the week she is crazy busy so she ops for eat less, exercise less (ELEL) eating only three small meals and not doing any exercise other than some light walking. Then the weekend comes and since she loves to move and also likes to eat a little more she switches to eat more, exercise more (EMEM). This suits her personal preferences and forces her metabolism to adjust. Every few months or so she takes a long weekend or even an extended vacation. Here she chooses the eat less, exercise more state (ELEM). She knows this a bit more risky to her metabolic balance, but it is short lived. Because of that, it actually works to her advantage. Finally, during the holidays when she is home, relaxing, eating and the weather is cold she moves to the eat less, exercise more model (EMEL). Doing this for a short time resets her metabolism to a faster rate. So long as this is short lived it benefits her by priming her for weight loss when she gets back home to her normal ELEL and EMEM rhythm. See how that works? For her it is effortless because she: knows exactly how the natural human metabolism functions honors her own metabolic uniqueness, psychology and personal preferences and has learned through practice how to point her metabolism in the direction she wants it to go. And how do you develop that same skill? Through learning, practicing and mastering the process overtime. You definitely dont diet by only eating less and exercising more. A diet will never teach you how to use this approach. In fact, a diet gives you a false sense of security only to back fire on you later. Skip the rules and opt for guidelines, education and your unique process. You do not need rules, protocols and timetables for weight loss. What you need is an education in metabolism and in how yours functions. That is why instead of a New Years Resolution I want you to start learning this new approach. This is why we created the Metabolic Effect All Access Pass. It is every single one of our current programs and all of our future programs. You get them all for life for one small fee. Each and everyone teaches a different aspect of this process. I suggest you start with our basic Metabolic Education program called Escape The Diet Trap. Then move to the male or female program. If you have special concerns the Thyroid, Adrenal, Menopause, Lower Body, Bone and fasting programs will help. And coming this year we will be launching the diabetes, muscle building, hypertension, sleep, detox and mood programs among others. There are many ways to go about learning this process. You certainly do not need our programs to do it, but learning from our experience and working with our coaches (which you get almost 24-7 access to daily when you purchase) will dramatically shorten your learning curve and close the time gap. It is a true Metabolic GPS, a one-stop education to teach you this entire process. It is what we decided to do for you this year. See details in the comments section. Whether you get the special All Access Pass or not, leave a comment to let me know if this is helpful. I want to make sure you are able to use the information in these emails to begin the process on your own. Be good. Happy New Year. Jade
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 16:10:46 +0000

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