The Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases really heated up the USA, - TopicsExpress


The Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases really heated up the USA, and for those who this applies to I wish that people interpret the media with a more open and fair mind. I also wish to see in the future that media is presented with all of the facts and with no bias. Some of the media out there portrayed these cases as racially-caused, but hid from people some of the facts to control public opinion. For example, the media presented Eric Garner as innocent; however, he was actually resisting arrest. The officers did not want to kill him. I do understand that the police officer who killed Eric might have used excessive and unfair force. I wont take that away. That is why that officer was demoted. For the Michael Brown case, the autopsy officially proved that Michael Brown attacked an officer, tried to steal his gun, and then later charge at him. Before this autopsy came out the media tried to persuade the public that Officer Wilson was at fault. The media did not have official facts to make this judgement though. Unofficial facts and opinions came from both sides that made the case unclear until the autopsy came out. Not only do i wish for the media to drop biases completely and present all of the facts, but from now on I wish to see people stop making assumptions. Officer Wilson from the Michael Brown case resigned as an police officer to protect his himself and his family because people assumed he was racist and put him on the hot seat. The people of Ferguson caused chaos in their town over an assumption. To wrap this up, I would like to see more fairness from those who lack it. All facts should be presented, and bias should be eliminated from media. Individually, it is best not to make assumptions especially for cases like these two, but instead, to make judgments based on all of the facts with an open mind. Even though these two cases were not racially-caused, racism still exists in this world. Black lives do matter, but so do other lives. All lives matter. I hope to see a world with more fairness, more equality, more love.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 00:47:38 +0000

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