The Michael Brown story has added a high level of exhaustion. I - TopicsExpress


The Michael Brown story has added a high level of exhaustion. I JUST made a damn video about Eric Garner, and now this? And yet, I cant ignore it. Im black and I have police officers, including my younger brother, as friends. But we need to make people accountable, the cop and even those who rioted, those who untentionally vindicated his death in the eyes of the racists by not handling their materialalistic hunger and their unchecked, internalized anger and anguish. There will always be invidivuals in a group that follow the wromg wave of emotion, we saw it in Canada when young white men and women rioted and looted after a hockey game loss. We certainly didnt criminalize their entire race. We individualized those in the wrong. Those distractions, however, shouldnt hover over an American getting killed before his first day of college...over jay walking There are several things that continue to exacerbate tense relations in this country: 1. Black dude gets shot, media looks for ways to criminalize his dead body. Looking at every picture to find reasons to justify his death by speculating on his character. 2. Perhaps we need more black police officers to serve black communities. Unless you grew up around black people, you wont understand the different nuances and energy or how to communicate with the lower class and higher class. 3. We need summits, televised townhall meetings to talk about nation building here at home. It seems like humanitarian crisises only exist abroad, no, they exist here as well.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 23:52:19 +0000

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