The Middle East Up-rising & Repercussions PART TWO The - TopicsExpress


The Middle East Up-rising & Repercussions PART TWO The current Arab Popular Uprising is not the first to occur in the region, preceded by a lot of revolutions or rather military coups in the region during the fifties and sixties of the last century revolutions that have taken the form of military coups d’etat against the then Regimes First military coup happened in Syria by Colonel Hosni Azza’im, who ascended to the Presidency in Syria, but he did not last long as his life came to an end at the hands of revolutionaries who took the reins of the Regime.. The Military coups d’etat Continued in Syria until the situation has stabilized for the Arab Socialist Baath Party . 1- Syrian coup d’état March 30, 1949:The countries of Greater Syria in accordance with the Sykes-Picot Treaty crusader colonial share of France, so understanding the English and French together to facilitate the occupation of France to Syria after the First World War, France has deliberately Captured a part of Greater Syria to get out of the presence of volatile sectarian entity laquo; Lebanon raquo; then truncates the banner of Iskenderun in favor of Turkey, the Syrian revolts erupted repeatedly the most serious violent revolution led by the Druze Mountain Sultan Pasha frameworks, And when the Second World War and signed the France under German occupation in France by the two governments; Government laquo; Victi raquo; led by Marshal laquo; Pétain raquo; pro-Germans, and the Government of Free France, led by General DGul hostile to the Germans, and the Alliance of de Gaulle with the British and the Americans to overthrow the Vichy government, de Gaulle promised to other French colonies, including Syria, to help them be independent in the case against the Germans and their clients. Dispute arose between England and France, when France accused England as its ally, abandoned in her ordeal and that they conspired to drive her out of the area Influence in the Middle East, and this clash precipitated the independence of Syria after World War II and that the year 1946, Shukri was elected the first president of Syria after independence, and the likely influence of English on the influence of the oven. After the end of World War II, United States emerged as heir apparent to the American empire does not lose sight of the sun, as they say; England, after the war exposed the weakness of England and her old age, and the Western world AlsLibby must have the leadership of a young woman, leads the world in the crusader war against Islam, it was necessary to bring American influence place of English influence, was the launch of the first episodes of replacement in the form of a military coup which took place onSyria on 1 Jumada II 1368 March 30, 1949, led by Hosni leader who seized power and suspended the constitution and dissolution of assemblies, showed that the Americans ambitions extend to Iraq as well, making a series of coups . 2- Shishakli Adib ibn Hasan Shishakli 1909 - 27 September 1964) was a Syrian military leader and President of Syria (1953–54). Born into a notable Syrian-Kurdish family of [Hama], Shishakli served with the French Army during the mandate era. He studied at the Military Academy of Damascus (which later was relocated to Homs) and became an early member of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) of Antun Saadeh, promoting the concept of a Greater Syria. His brother Salah was also a prominent member of the SSNP. After independence, Shishakli fought in a volunteer Arab army, known as the Army of Deliverance, against the Zionist militias in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. 3-Political/military career The Arab defeat in that war was a motivating factor for the military coup of Husni al-Za’im which had taken place soon after in 1949, shattering Syria’s weak parliamentary system. Only months after al-Za’im’s takeover, the weak ruler was overthrown by a group of officers, including Shishakli and Colonel Sami al-Hinnawi, who led the new military junta. Za’im had betrayed the Arab Nationalist leader Antun Saadeh, giving him to Lebanese authorities where he was tried and executed for wanting to destroy the modern state of Lebanon. An infuriated Shishakli co-launched the coup of 1949 to revenge Saadeh’s killing, and reportedly ripped off Za’im’s bloodstained shirt and took it to Saadeh’s widow, who was still in Syria, telling her, “We have avenged his murder!” Shishakli worked with Sami al-Hinnawi, the new de facto ruler of Syria who refused to assume power on his own and restored Syria’s parliamentary system. Hinnawi became chief-of-staff of the Syrian Army and a veteran nationalist, Hashem al-Atassi, who had been president in the 1930s, to become prime minister, and then president of Syria. Atassi wanted to create union with Hashemite Iraq, something which Shishakli greatly opposed, claiming that Hinnawi was the drive behind pro-Hashemite sentiment in Syria. 4-Seizing power In December 1949, Shishakli launched another coup, the third in 1949, arresting Hinnawi to break Hashemite influence in Syria, but keeping Atassi at his post. He then ordered the assassination of Colonel Mohammad Nasser, the Air Force Commander, because he threatened Shishakli’s popularity in the Syrian Army. All of this greatly weakened the pro-union elements in Syria but they continued to try working for union through the cabinets of Prime Minister Nazim al-Kudsi. Shishakli conditioned that all governments must include his right-hand-man Fawzi Selu as minister of defense, to curb Hashemite influence in the Syrian government. When Prime Minister Maarouf al-Dawalibi, a pro-Iraq politician from Aleppo, refused, Shishakli responded on 28 November 1951. He arrested Dawalibi and his entire cabinet, in addition to all pro-Iraq politicians in Syria, including the leaders of the People’s Party, Nazim al-Kudsi and Rushdi al-Kikhya. In protest, Atassi resigned from office and moved into the opposition. Pleased to get rid of this stubborn nationalist, who rejected officer intervention in political affairs, Shishakli made his comrade Selu the Chief-of-Staff of the Army, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense, and the Head of State. But in effect, Selu was nothing but a figurehead. Real powers lay in the hands of Adib al-Shishakli. 5-Shishakli in power Shishakli then dissolved all political parties and banned many newspapers, in a return to military rule. Among those to suffer persecution under his rule were the National Party of Damascus, the People’s Party of Aleppo, the Communist Party, the Baath Party, and the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. He also outlawed all newspapers that were not pro-Shishakli, and banished the Baath leaders Akram al-Hawrani, Michel Aflaq, and Salah al-Bitar to Lebanon, where they then actively worked against his regime. He was a skilled public speaker, however, and relied greatly on the radio to transmit his speeches to every-day Syrians. In August 1952, he established an official government party, the Arab Liberation Movement, but it was boycotted by powerful representatives of the civilian political society, such as Hashim al-Atassi. The party was progressive and accepted women among its ranks and calling for a limited degree of socialism. Some said that he viewed himself as “an Arab Caesar.” In mid-1953 Shishakli staged an election to make himself President, but he was by now facing mounting dissent. 6- Foreign relations As leader of Syria, Shishakli sought good relations with Western countries, and maintained Syria’s uncompromising stance towards Israel. Syrian relations with the Hashemite monarchies of Jordan and Iraq were poor during his presidency, but he also looked with distrust at the rapid spread of Nasserism. Many believe that Nasser’s Free Officer Revolution of 1952 in Egypt had been modeled after Shishakli’s own coups of 1949 and 1951. Shishakli’s relations were strong, however, with King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia, his son King Abdul-Aziz bin Muhammad, and King Talal of Jordan. Shishakli greatly liked King Talal and said that he had no ambitions in Syria, unlike his grand-father King Abdullah I or his grandson, King Hussein. Despite this, and in contrast with his pro-Western outlook and some Kurdish background, Shishakli recognized the desires of Syria’s Arab majority and accordingly adopted a policy of pan-Arabism. He clashed frequently with the independent-minded Druze minority on the Jabal Druze mountain, accusing them of wanting to topple his regime using funds from Jordan and, in 1954, resorted to shelling Druze strongholds to put down resistance to his rule. His relations with both Britain and the United States were mixed. Britain courted Shishakli during the early period of his rule in the hope that Syria would join plans for a British-led Middle East Defense Organization. The United States offered Shishakli considerable sums of money to settle Palestinian refugees in Syria and turn them into Syrians. Shishakli, although tempted by these offers of Western arms and money, did not take them. The Palestinian situation had soured Syrians on relations with the West. Syria wanted revenge rather than to accept defeat and repair Syria’s damaged relations with the West and make peace with Israel Downfall
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 01:24:25 +0000

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