The Middle East crisis and a dark prince to come. The endless, - TopicsExpress


The Middle East crisis and a dark prince to come. The endless, seething cauldron of hatred, bloodshed, and war in the Middle East is but a harbinger of darker days. As the Prophet Zechariah predicted, that tiny piece of real estate called Israel (the size of New Jersey) has now become the sore thumb of the entire world! On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it (12:3). The Bible teaches that the chronic vitriol between Arab and Jew will continue to escalate until a universal cry arises for someone to provide a solution reaches fever pitch. Someone will. Enter Antichrist, the dark prince, the son of hell. Scripture says much about this evil genius. But first, lets clarify something. There is THE Anti-Christ with a capital “A.” And there are little anti-christs with a lower-case a. There were many anti-christs in the world at the time of the New Testament church just as there are now. John writes: Dear children, the last hour is here. You have heard that the Antichrist is coming, and already many such antichrists have appeared. From this we know that the last hour has come (1 John 2:18). The acid test is--Anyone who denies that Jesus came in the flesh is an anti-christ, lower case a. Hence, the arrival of THE Antichrist is still future. Paul the Apostle describes his chilling entrance onto the world stage: ...there will be a time of great rebellion against God, and then the man of rebellion will come – the son of hell. He will defy every god there is, and tear down every other object of adoration and worship. He will go in and sit as God in the temple of God, claiming that he himself is God (2 Thes. 2:4 LB). When this dreadful prophecy comes to pass, you can expect to see some of the following: He will be immensely popular. ...all the world marveled and followed the beast (Antichrist) (Rev. 13:3). Popularity will morph into worship with the world idolatrously hailing him as their savior. All that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the Lambs book of life (Rev. 13:8). He will swiftly take control of ten European nations to use for his future conquests. (Dan 7:7-8) His appearance will be accompanied with satanic miracles. His coming shall be after the working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders (2 Thes. 2:9). As the worst dictator of all time he will install a one-world economic, political, and religious system. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue and nation. And all… will worship him… no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of… the beast (Rev. 13:7-8,17). The peoples of the world will hail him as a godsend following his grand signature accomplishment--a successful seven year Middle East peace treaty brokered between Arabs and Jews. (Daniel 9:27) Ironically, after all of the failures to bring peace to the Middle East, Antichrist, the man of sin, will make it happen. Our deceived world is rapidly racing to this dreadful hour. As I said in my last post, WATCH ISRAEL. The fate of all the nations of the world will increasingly revolve around what happens there! The Middle East crisis and a dark prince to come. The endless, seething cauldron of hatred, bloodshed, and war in the Middle East is but a harbinger of darker days. As the Prophet Zechariah predicted, that tiny piece of real estate called Israel (the size of New Jersey) has now become the sore thumb of the entire world! On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it (12:3). The Bible teaches that the chronic vitriol between Arab and Jew will continue to escalate until a universal cry arises for someone to provide a solution reaches fever pitch. Someone will. Enter Antichrist, the dark prince, the son of hell. Scripture says much about this evil genius. But first, lets clarify something. There is THE Anti-Christ with a capital “A.” And there are little anti-christs with a lower-case a. There were many anti-christs in the world at the time of the New Testament church just as there are now. John writes: Dear children, the last hour is here. You have heard that the Antichrist is coming, and already many such antichrists have appeared. From this we know that the last hour has come (1 John 2:18). The acid test is--Anyone who denies that Jesus came in the flesh is an anti-christ, lower case a. Hence, the arrival of THE Antichrist is still future. Paul the Apostle describes his chilling entrance onto the world stage: ...there will be a time of great rebellion against God, and then the man of rebellion will come – the son of hell. He will defy every god there is, and tear down every other object of adoration and worship. He will go in and sit as God in the temple of God, claiming that he himself is God (2 Thes. 2:4 LB). When this dreadful prophecy comes to pass, you can expect to see some of the following: **He will be immensely popular. ...all the world marveled and followed the beast (Antichrist) (Rev. 13:3). **Popularity will morph into worship with the world idolatrously hailing him as their savior. All that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the Lambs book of life (Rev. 13:8). **He will swiftly take control of ten European nations to use for his future conquests. (Dan 7:7-8) **His appearance will be accompanied with satanic miracles. His coming shall be after the working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders (2 Thes. 2:9). **As the worst dictator of all time he will install a one-world economic, political, and religious system. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue and nation. And all… will worship him… no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of… the beast (Rev. 13:7-8,17). **The peoples of the world will hail him as a godsend following his grand signature accomplishment--a successful seven year Middle East peace treaty brokered between Arabs and Jews. (Daniel 9:27) Ironically, after all of the failures to bring peace to the Middle East, Antichrist, the man of sin, will make it happen. Our deceived world is rapidly racing to this dreadful hour. As I said in my last post, WATCH ISRAEL. The fate of all the nations of the world will increasingly revolve around what happens there!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 14:44:21 +0000

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