The Midnight Sermon: (Long post) Will you regret dropping your - TopicsExpress


The Midnight Sermon: (Long post) Will you regret dropping your son or daughter off in college? I heard a story of a father who took his son to college. As this father sat in the car looking at his son enormous amounts of regret filled the father. In tears the father looked at his son as the son got out of the car and walked with a back pack into the dorms. As the father drove away he couldnt help but feel the pain of his sons look. The look wasnt mean or malicious. It was simply a look of WHO ARE YOU? I DONT EVEN KNOW YOU. This father had worked hard to provide a great living for his family. They had material possessions most people could only dream of. The problem... It came at a great cost. The cost was TIME with family. The father missed most of the little league games. This father missed the Christmas concerts, the scout camp outs and basically spent the majority of his time creating great wealth. This father realized he missed out on creating bonds with his son who was now in college. ****** Can one build great financial wealth and also build a wealth of relationships with children and spouse? The answer is YES! No question a man in todays marketplace can provide a great AND create lasting memories with his children and spouse. ****** Each night my family has a great system in place. Our family system is built on agreements, not expectations. The boys shower at 6:30 PM and get into pajamas. Teeth get brushed and flossed at 8:00 pm. At 8:15 pm we gather together as a family. We always sing a song, say what we are grateful for or what we learned that day and then say a family prayer. I used to send both my sons to sleep but Izrael keeps his older brother awake. So we tweaked our system. I go and lay with Zion in his bed. I read and we talk. It takes him about 15-30 minutes to fall asleep. We bond, watch some cool videos and just lay there together. I get to coach him up, speak powerful affirmations and truths to him before he falls asleep. Imagine that... I coach my son each night and build his self-concept (self-esteem, vision of himself etc.) I also do this on the way to school as well. I come back to my room and spend time with Izrael (4) and Judah (21 months). About 10:00 pm the boys are asleep and my wife and I have 1-2 hours together. This is clockwork every day. Sure there are hot routes in place and audibles we call but the structure and system is set. On weekends or holidays my sons get an extra hour to stay up and sleep in our room on the floor. Of course this means they end up in our bed. I dont mind. I know they wont be this young forever so I cherish the moments. My wife and I have two date nights a week. Our system for this is a consistent paid baby-sitter who knows our sons and puts our sons to sleep so we dont have to rush our dates and we plan the days a full week in advance if not a couple weeks in advance. ******** What type of father, mother or provider will you choose to be today? I know for me I refuse to drop my sons off at college and have them give me that disgusted regretful look like Who are you again? I dont even know you. Instead... I am watering what I want to have grow and INVESTING in my most prized assets... my Goddess and my sons. I am so clear and committed to what my relationship will look like with my Goddess and my sons. 100% Committed and Extremely Clear. Just as I have SYSTEMS for my Goddess and my sons... I also have SYSTEMS for business, health, spirituality and everything I am creating. You can have both. You can have financial wealth and spirituality. You can have financial wealth and meaningful relationships with your loved ones. You can have whatever it is you choose to create. IF YOU KNEW HOW SHORT LIFE WAS... YOU WOULDNT BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR ANYTHING OR GO AFTER ANYTHING. What would it take to love your life? Setema Gali - The Reverend of the Revolution
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 05:47:14 +0000

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