The Military Industrial Complex Partnership with Global - TopicsExpress


The Military Industrial Complex Partnership with Global Multinationals & Oligarchs Failed & Robbed America (AN ANGRY RANT) Politicians pose as Faux American Nationalists while continuing to sell out this nation and its citizens to the Global Multinational Interests which destabilize the world in the name of ever higher profits while escaping any real taxation. Globalists have a loyalty to their own bottom line and not to the national interests of any particular nation, but they will happily use this Nations Military to soften up markets for their entry and conquer. Hence why if an entity and its leadership has moved their manufacturing operations to Malaysia, they will be more concerned with the infrastructure in that far off locale than concerning themselves with the collapse of it in places like Detroit and across the once thriving industrial belt. The problem is that Americans have awakened to the reality that the world is being conquered in their name, on their dime but and not for their benefit but actually to the detriment of their very existence and with the bodies of their fellow citizen soldiers; many of whom threw pomp and circumstance are deluded into believing that they are fighting for freedom and democracy rather than a CEOs personal account and a host of stockholders scattered in the highest end zip codes across the planet. The forces of GREED have only themselves to blame for American distrust, cynicism and contempt. Had they left a few shekels on the table America might not be collapsing from the inside out and many would not be quite as as focused on the morally and spiritually corrupt ZERO-SUM GAMES which have gutted a nation and destroyed opportunity for the vast majority of citizens. Dont even get me started on how Philanthropy has changed in the modern era. The same guys who make BILLIONS rigging the game for themselves buying off politicians then write a check for a few thousand and we are supposed to bow down and suck their shriveled up old dicks! WTF?! You think they would leave that task up to the black boyfriend that they are hiding in their Bermuda Mansion while they pose for photo ops with their 6 feet tall professional beards. At least until that dude wants a job in the spotlight too as a Schools Chancellor. Its these same ass clowns who ignore rising poverty, homelessness and hunger and think the answer to secure our society is to expand the Prison Police Surveillance State to criminalize being without a job, a home and maybe even a reason to live. When Stop & Frisk fails hell you always have Stop, Choke, Tackle and Kill to keep the undesirables in their place. Sure you can eliminate crime if you eliminate individual liberty and the right to breathe without your approval. That is the REAL LEGACY of Ray Kelly & Mr. Mike; citizens choked to death in broad daylight by cops in their own community. The murderers punishment is desk duty and a pension. Maizel Tov! Truth is that some of these criminal SOBs need to be hanged like a Piñata in the hood so that hungry strays can feed on them. That is JUSTICE.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 03:20:51 +0000

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