The Milk Your Body Needs By Nutritionist:: Milk lovers have been - TopicsExpress


The Milk Your Body Needs By Nutritionist:: Milk lovers have been advised on the type of milk that they should take to derive the best nutrients. According to the President, Nutrition Society of Nigeria, Prof Ngozi Nnam, milk is so important in a diet because it is a complete liquid food with rich nutrient composition. “Milk promotes growth because it is an exceptional good source of protein that is readily digestible and biologically available, supports bone growth and development because it is a very good source of calcium in the diet, vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium. “It also promotes cardiovascular health because of its potassium, calcium and riboflavin. Calcium could help decrease bad cholesterol in the load o reduce hear problems and helps to build immunity because of its rich vitamin A content. Milk has a protective effect on risk of colorectal and breast cancer probably because of its calcium and naturally occurring fat-conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).It is an excellent fluid to re-hydrate the body and provide a host of beneficial nutrients for growth and proper development of the body. And reduces blood pressure due to the effects of protein, calcium, potassium and magnesium in milk.” The Professor of Public Health Nutrition said understanding varieties of milk would help in maximizsing the basic different benefits inherent in them. “There is pasteurised milk, whereby after raw milk is taken from the animal, it is Pasteurised- heated, then quickly cooled, to kill the bacteria as E. Coli, Salmonella and listeria. Pasteurisation ensures safety of milk. Homogenised milk is a smoother, more uniform texture. Homogenisation reduces the diameter of milk fat to achieve a more permanent and consistent suspension of milk. Fortified milk has addition of one or more nutrients to improve the nutrient content. “Whole milk contains not less than 3.25 per cent milk fat and 8.25 per cent milk solids not fat (protein, CHO, water-soluble vitamins and minerals) with an estimate of 87 per cent water. It is good for children and anyone else for whom fat intake is not a consideration. Reduced fat milk is good for those seeking moderate restriction of their fat intake. It is a form of whole milk in which the milk fat has been reduced from 3.25 per cent to two per cent. Vitamin A and D are removed with milk fat but could be added back through fortification.” “While low fat milk in which the milk fat has been reduced from 3.25 per cent to one per cent is good for those seeking somewhat greater restriction of their fat intake. Fat soluble vitamins A and D are removed with milk fat and could be added back through fortification. Reduced fat milk is good for those seeking moderate restriction of their fat intake as Reduced fat milk is a Whole milk in which fat has been reduced from 3.25 per cent to two per cent. Vitamin A and D are removed with milk fat but could be added through fortification,” she stated. She said for those seeking to restrict their fat intake considerably Fat-free milk is the best. It is whole milk in which the milk fat has been reduced from 3.5 per cent to essentially none.Often referred to as Skim milk(0g fat). fat soluble vitamins A and D are removed with milk fat and can be added back through milk fortification. “Filled milk has had its natural fat removed and replaced with fat from anger source. May be because if economic reason or to replace saturated fatty acid with a vegetable oil with lower content of saturates. Sweetened condensed is a good recipe ingredient. It is a whole or fat free milk with about 60 per cent of its water removed and to which a nutritive sweetener (sucrose) is added. Used in candy and desert recipes. Flavored milk is milk to which a flavoring such as cocoa or cocoa powder, straw berry or vanilla extracts and a sweetener have been added. Stabilisers and thickening agents could be added to improve taste and texture. It helps to increase acceptance and consumption of milk, particularly for children because of added flavoring or sweetener.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 10:46:31 +0000

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