The Mindset: .... in the Court Rulings and in the News Reporting. - TopicsExpress


The Mindset: .... in the Court Rulings and in the News Reporting. The Mumbai High Court rules that even after marriage a woman does not lose any right or access to her parents home; marriage does not make any difference. The Bengali newspaper translates parents home to fathers house, because in Bengali thats the right way; the English translation of parents home would be misleading and incorrect; thats how language internalises cultural violence against women. The Key phrase here is বাপের বাড়ি (fathers house NOT parents home - listen to the silent difference thats lost in translation; see the gap between civilisations). Everyone overlooks the real issue here: there is no maternal home মায়ের বাড়ি; all there is mothers prasad: মায়ের ভোগ and the song: তোমার পূজার ছলে তোমায় ভুলেই থাকি [In our pretense of worshipping you we remain oblivious to the very self of you] youtube/watch?v=4QLmxHZgC7I দূর্গা ঠাকুর আসছে ডাং ডাং করে | এবার কি একজন মহিলা পুরোহিত পাওয়া যাবে? [Goddess Durga is on her way; this time, for a change, she wants one of her daughters to play the role of the high priest] যদি বিদুষী অব্রাহ্মণ হয় তবে আরো পবিত্র হবে পূজা অনুষ্ঠান ! যুগ যুগান্ত ধরে মাতৃ পূজা করে পুরুষ পুরোহিত, একচেটিয়া অধিকারে, - কন্যা সন্তান থাকে ফুল হাথে পিছনে বসে! [In the worship of our mother we forget our daughters! ] এমন ভালো পুজোর টুপি মেয়েদের কে আর কতদিন পরিয়ে রাখতে পারবে এই ধার্মিক সমাজ? [How long will this condescending ritual be able to ride on the obedience of the societys good women?] Now, is there any woman taker of this challenge? Is there any Jhanshir Rani volunteering to be the High Priest? Is there any man standing on her way? Whats you name? Say it now; or, forever be silent in your dome. Which newspaper would publish this story? Which photographer would zoom in the camera on a living woman before the clay model, the Goddess?] eisamay.indiatimes/nation/Married-daughter-part-of-parents-family-Bombay-HC/articleshow/40502036.cms
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 08:33:50 +0000

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