The Ministry of Health of Spain under Ana Mato has been making one - TopicsExpress


The Ministry of Health of Spain under Ana Mato has been making one bad decision after another in the Ebola epidemic. First they decided to bring a Spanish missionary from Africa, Miguel Pajares who was infected and sick with Ebola, a disease that has no known cure but that is highly contagious for those handling the sick. That was already a bad choice. They brought him on a plane risking the life of others uselessly. They basically watched him died which he did on September 25th. And all this in a hospital in which people were not properly trained, and not only did the poor missionary died but he infected a nurse that is now the first case of Ebola contracted in Europe. And the story does not end there. The nurse was sent on vacation after taking care of the missionary and when she realized she was sick many people who were not properly protected handled her. When she was finally diagnosed now her husband is in quarantine but no clear information is emerging as to who else she may have been in contact with while sick. As a result there are 52 people on watch right now. And to top it all, the government which has gone from one mistake to the next, now they want to kill her dog. Yes, her dog. The husband is sending desperate notes to try to save the dog asking why cant the dog not also go on quarantine. And you know what I find especially disappointing here? that in general the Spanish medical care system is well managed. But here it was an absolute fail. Some are trying to blame this on funds that have been cut as of the crisis but in my view it is just negligence that has little to do with money. Pure incompetence. elconfidencial/espana/2014-10-07/el-marido-de-la-enfermera-contagiada-de-ebola-van-a-sacrificar-a-mi-perro_230136/
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 17:06:11 +0000

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