The Mishna in Pirke Avot 4:1 defines four key terms: Who is the - TopicsExpress


The Mishna in Pirke Avot 4:1 defines four key terms: Who is the wise man? The one who learns from everyone. Who is the strong person? The one who conquers his negative impulses. Who is the wealthy person? The one who is happy with his portion. Who is the honorable person? The one who honors others. Rabbi Yeruchem Levovitz, of blessed memory, explained the Mishna in light of the positive attribute of being alone -- that every person can only obtain the most important things in life independently of anyone else. The important things depend on your attitude and perspective. Wisdom is an approach to life, not a comparative contest. The wise man is the individual who does not compare his wisdom to that of others, but because of his love for wisdom he chooses to learn from everyone, for each person has wisdom to share. True strength is having the ability to overcome your negative tendencies and impulses. If it were dependent upon being victorious over others, as soon as someone else is stronger, you are no longer the strong man. True strength is only dependent upon yourself. Wealth is not dependent on how much money you have or the number of your possessions. If it were, then you could lose your entire wealth overnight. Rather, true wealth is feeling joy for what you do have. If honor were dependent on how others treat you, what are you supposed to do if others decide not to honor you? Woe to a person whose honor is dependent on the whim of others. True honor is up to you. You are honorable if you honor others regardless of how others treat you.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 22:22:11 +0000

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