The Modimolle Monster, Johan Kotze and his 3 co-accused were - TopicsExpress


The Modimolle Monster, Johan Kotze and his 3 co-accused were sentenced to life in prison. Kotze will serve multiple life sentences for the kidnapping and rape of his ex-wife wife Ina Bonnette and an additional life sentence for the murder of her son Conrad. Mandela Day continued to trend with additional terms like 67 minutes also rising up the list as South Africa and the world prepare for their efforts to assist their fellow citizens tomorrow to honour the 67 years of service Nelson Mandela committed to others. We would love to see what you are doing tomorrow so please post your activity and include #LeadSA67 to allow us to share the varied and hopefully plentiful acts of service happening tomorrow. On Monday British Prime Minster David Cameron tweeted his support for a new cap on benefits. The PM must believe the social networking service to be a great way to share information. Unfortunately the person tasked with tweeting for the PM (it is very unlikely that he tweets himself) included a reference to a parody twitter account they thought was British Minister Ian Duncan Smith. Rather than the story of the benefits cap being discussed, twitter and the British media focussed on the tweeting gaffe. It would appear that governments and organisations believe there is enough value in Twitter to have a presence on the social networking site, but have not considered the risk to their reputation if errors are made. Some high profile individuals with popular accounts delegate the role of posting to junior staff where even a small error could lead to a potential disastrous impact on their credibility. The PM’s spokesperson said they would take the error on the chin. If you have a formal business presence on Twitter remember two things. If you are including others in your tweets check that they are the person or group you think they are as twitter has many parody and misleading accounts, verified accounts will have a blue tick on the profile page. Secondly that the person posting for you or your organisation understand what and how to best convey your messages.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 17:01:30 +0000

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