The Moment of Reckoning Has Arrived. Today was Angela’s - TopicsExpress


The Moment of Reckoning Has Arrived. Today was Angela’s World Race funding deadline day. She needed to have $3,100 raised in 6 days to stay in the final two months of the 11 countries in 11 months missionary journey she began last July. She has not only has met the minimum deadline requirement – She has exceed it. She actually needed an additional $2,400 over and above the $3,100, in order to be fully funded. This would mean that her entire World Race account balance of $15,500 would be paid off. When Angela started in July she had worked for, raised and saved about $6,000 to begin the race. The remaining World Race funds of $9,500 and much of the personal spending money was raised while on the road during the last 9 months. The World Racer’s fund covers all travel expenses to participate in the Adventure In Missions (AIM) program. None of this money is released directly to Angela. She has had to raise and maintain all funds for medicines, international medical insurance, supplies for daily life and discretionary spending, local travel costs (tuk-tuks and such), differing women’s clothes required in changing cultures, side adventures taken on occasional days off and often for daily food needs (if not supplied by each month’s new ministry contacts). The clothes bought often had to be made (generally VERY cheap as compared to in the USA) and then left behind because Racers were already maxed out on travel baggage weight. If a host did not provide housing (which varied from being hostels, to bunks, to mattresses on the floor, bamboo huts or outside and inside ground upon which to erect the Racer’s tents. Racers do their own laundry on a daily / semi-daily basis in a 1-5 gallon bucket. Access to washer / dryers are a real luxury. Sorry, I have digressed more than intended. I just wanted to give a slight peak into the Racer’s daily life and the part funding plays. They are engaged and busy just about all their waking hours. Most of the time they are, either, too busy or too tired to engage in fund raising. Prayer is much easier to work in and often more pressing than working on funding. Also, internet access via Wi-Fi is often feast or famine from country to country. Several months have been without any communication. The last three months have been mostly without. Why am I bringing all of this up since Angela has received her funding? Simply to say – YOU made the difference. You responded to the Holy Spirit’s nudging to pray and or send money. Most of you have never met Angela. But you know her God and are related to her because of the Blood of Christ. Some have begun to see Angela’s heart for God. Without a regular fund raising campaign, heart breaking stories, a frequent bombardment of pleas and a daily tide of World Race marketing via social media – Angela has been about to trust God, Trust prayer and Trust God’s people to hear. This is awesome, amazing stuff that should blow us all away like it has Angela. In 5 days over $5,500 came in from mostly strangers around the world for a beautiful, skinny young lady in a far off land with a dream, shoe-string finances and a huge heart for God and His lost children. A real Wowie–Zowie moment here! The Truth is – There is NO distance in the Spirit. Our prayers put us beside one another on our knees in the Spirit. Especially, for those who live, move and have their being in Christ. Although I have to turn my attention to some pressing matters involving work and an upcoming retreat men’s retreat I’m involved in – I had to take a moment to let you know the Great News, the complete dream you made possible. In closing, there is some overflow money. It cannot be redirected to other needy racers and it will not be “cashed out” to Angela. It will remain in her account for her use in World Race events. This money will be used in the near future. A month after Angela returns home, AIM invites the current racers who have returned home to come to the Georgia HQ for a week. During that time the Racers will get to reconnect with their team mates and leaders, share how and what they have been doing since returning home, receive counsel and guidance on readjusting to life back home. The culture shock coming home can be more dramatic than when the Racers embarked on their extreme 11-month missionary adventure. They will get to share and interact about how they are spiritually engaged, what struggles they are encountering and what their future plans are. So it is now my purpose to bring Angela’s future before you: · Please pray for Angela during her last two months in the field. She will be headed to Swaziland and then South Africa. · Once Angela is home - Please pray for her and us, her family, as the Holy Spirit leads. So many things have changed in her life during the eleven months that she was in the field. God is bringing home a mighty, woman of God with new perspectives, new needs and new things to consider. Believe it or not – returning to the United States can be quite a shock to the system. It’s important she gets time to decompress as she also looks to the future. I may share more on this as the World Race releases practical info and blogs from Racers who have already returned home. Words cannot adequately express Angela’s and our family’s gratitude to all who have had a part in this adventure and victory. Please, turn your eyes and hearts with ours to God our Father, Jesus our Lord and Holy Spirit our Wisdom, Counselor and Comforter to say in one accord: Thank You, Lord. All Glory and Power is Yours forever and ever. Let Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen Mighty Blessings, Jack and Vickie
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 16:06:38 +0000

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