The Month of November Global Communion Service with our Man of God - TopicsExpress


The Month of November Global Communion Service with our Man of God Pastor Chris on the 2nd of November, 2014. The meeting started with Opening prayer, Praise and worship session. Pastor Chris. I want to welcome you to the very special segment of pastor Chris live. It is our global communion service in the month of November. And we are experiencing the glory of Gods spirit in our lives. We are having this segment coming to you live and this stage is filled with glorious men and women and I want to introduce them to you. I have pastor Biodun lawal of Accra Ghana, pastor Ruth from Zimbabwe, Pastor Diola Philips the immediate past CEO, Pastor Joy Amekainna from PH zone 3 and Pastor Chidi Ezimako from Abuja Zone. And Pastor Ose Oyakilome from South Africa she is here for zone one and Pastor Mary Owase from Benin Zone. Pastor Marcel Obodo from Calabar Zone. We have a full set today and they are all prepared for the questions. Charity from Germany is asking a question what is the assurance the every Christian will go to heaven? Is it just by being born again. The first thing is salvation and without salvation there is no guarantee of going to heaven. Is one thing to receive salvation because Jesus said if you continue in my word then are ye my disciples indeed. Being born again brings you into the kingdom and you have to continue in it. We must be alive and remain in the kingdom of God. So the christian life continues to the end. The one who continues to the end shall rejoice. The other question is from Bernard from Nigeria. Why do we close our eyes when we pray? There has to be reverence when we pray. If our eyes are open we get distracted. There is no scripture that said we should close our eyes. It is a symbol of shutting out the world around you. It is symbolic, we dont look around. It is more required when you are in your privacy. If you are on the road and you pray you have to keep your eyes open. There is no rule as to when to close our eyes and open it, in most of our churches we never say close our eyes for prayer. It is the responsibility of an individual to make sure that what God said to him comes to pass. He said thy word is settled in heaven. It is our responsibility to ensure that the word spoken in heaven comes to pass here on earth. God has given man the enablement to bring his word to come to pass. We have to ensure that this word that was spoken come to pass. The bible said that he has said so that we may boldly declare. Using this particular story, there are two version of it. Sarah received strength to conceive. The bible doesnt say by faith God made Sarah to conceive. But she received strength. Prophetic words are of two kinds. One that does not require you to believe before it comes to pass. It is about Gods purpose and it is neither for good or for evil concerning you. I give you an example, when God said to us about the thing John the Baptist will complete, he was not born then when God said those things he was going to do. This word entered into what God has said neither if they are aware of the knowledge. It wasnt about them, the fact was God have them playing a role that he has pre determined. If what we just heard about John the baptist or even jesus about his death, these things were prophesied and they did not need to do anything about it for it to happen. We discover the plan of the father and cooperate with him to make it happen. If God said something about your good, he knew what was written in the volume of the book. When you know Gods will, you cooperate with him to make it come to pass. He had others in mind, which means if you fail, he can work with others. You just have to cooperate with God to make it come to pass. Noah was chosen by God to be part of the salvation plan. He received the word by faith. When Noah accepted this beautiful plan of God to be a part of it. God needs you to act your faith to his word so that the good part of it will come to pass. Act 14:9 How was Paul able to perceive that the man had faith? Act 14:9 The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, Pastor you taught us that faith is the response of the human spirit to the word of God. It is inside and not outside. You can perceive that someone has faith for example in our healing school. Faith first is the response of the human spirit. Paul could notice that the man had faith. Paul connected to the mans spirit. You can tell sometimes the expression could be in the attitude. He knew by his spiritual senses. Spiritual senses can be exercised. The same way you smell with your nose, you can also perceive in the spirit. The spiritual perception can be very close to the word of knowledge. He perceive that the man had faith. In your natural senses you could be smelling something. The spiritual senses are even more effective and you can read through someones spirit. A lot of time pastor could be ministering to some people and I think this person is not yielding or concentrating but pastor could design faith in that person. Hebrew 5:14. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. Strong meat belongs to those that are spiritually matured and who by reason of use have their spiritual senses exercised. Kembly from Philippines. Can a baby born out of wedlock be dedicated in the church? I think both parents have to be first married but my folks thinks otherwise. Yes sir the baby can be born again. It is right to dedicate the baby to church even if the parents are not Christians. God says all souls are mine. If we ever have an opportunity to dedicate a baby to church we should do it. You cannot hold a baby condition of birth against the baby. Jesus was born in a manger and he was not responsible to the condition of his birth. If we have an opportunity to dedicate a baby to church irrespective of how he was born, do it. Rev francis from Ghana asked dear pastor what can I do to be used by God to heal the sick like you do? It is God that uses people. John 6:28-29 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? 29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. For you to do the work of God you must believe in him who God has sent. Apart from doing the work of God there are also callings. The purpose of life is to fulfill your calling. Locate what God called you to do, our pastor is an apostle and there are signs of an apostle he will face a lot of criticism and lots of work but he will be able to have patience. Hebrew 5:4. And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron. No man taketh this honor unto ourselves, we cant take a calling by ourselves. Evans from UK dear pastor Chris throw more light why uzah was killed by touching the ark while the other prospered when the ark was in their house? That was the spirit of judgment and that spirit is present in the house of God and it depends on what auction we chose to function in at that time. Sometimes we are hesitant because we think that we need to give an individual an opportunity a little longer. What happen to Ananias was not a recommendation. There are times that certain people think that because of that whatever they do doesnt matter even when they insult a man of God. We are moved by the compassion of Jesus. Another way is what paul did to men he said he handed them over to satan for the destruction of his body. The bible said it is a fearful thing to fall into the hand of God. People dont learn because of experiences. The very fact that she came prepared to defend a lie also show her heart. Romans from USA does the fruit of the automatically spirit manifested in us or do we have anything to do to have them? The fruit of the spirit is already in one when he gets born again. He will have to walk in them. Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Love, joy, Peace, longsuffering, etc they are the fruit of the recreated human spirit. When you are born again it is a package you receive. You dont have to do anything to bring them in. When you are born again you receive them. A dog dont have to do anything to bark, a mango tree will produce a mango fruit it doesnt have to do anything to have it. There are characteristics you have that is developed when you matured. You are meek, faith filled etc. When you study the word of God, these fruit of the spirit develop. Thats what we call spiritual maturity. Glory to God. We have done quite a bit and I want to thank all of our guest for attempting the questions. Thank you for that. We will have a break for those of you in the church. But those on the network we will have to let you go and I pray for you may Gods light shine in your path and help you grow In the things of God. God bless you. Welcome back Yookos Segment. We have invited top 10 to be on the set with us today. But we have 11 here and you may be wondering why. It is because there is a tie somewhere. I want to thank all of you for your effort in this month of November. For the campus ministry we will pick top 7. BLW zone C 7th position, BLW zone H, 6th. BLW SA zone E, 5th. BLW zone B, 4th. Zone A BLW 3rd, BLW Zone K 2nd. And BLW zone E is the winner. For the zonal churches we will take Top 15. And the winner is PH zone 3. I want to thank you being a part of Gods job and we call it evangelism with style. Gods number 1 job is winning souls and winning people. And we are with him to achieve that vision. We are in very special segment and have special guest with me on the set to my extreme left is Pastor Lanre Alabi COO and next to him is Pastor Chidi Ezimako he is the chairman of Loveworld exhibition in IPPC. Pastor Kareen Victor ASG BLW and Pastor zone 4 SA and the chairman of IPPC 2014. Pastor Vale Director of special Programs in the office of the CEO. These ministers are here to discuss the IPPC with me and I will ask the chairman the discuss the progress. Whats the date? It is 17th of November to 23rd November. Who is invited? All our pastors all over the world are invited, the deacons and their wives and top 15,000 partners all over the world are invited. There are certain criteria to be followed in inviting all those that will be participating with us at the LCA. Is by invitation to all those who are coming to LCA and by now they should have registered. Is it possible that some people have not completed their registration? If you havent completed your registration you have to do so. What preparation should anyone make for coming to this conference? This is a special conference and you have to pay attention and you must constantly do so. You have to sort out your visa if you are coming into Nigeria. You have to get leave from work at least 1 week. You put yourself in the best of opportunity. You will make special arrangement for things you need like transportation and accommodation. I also think one of the basis of the preparation is to magnify the conference in your heart. Everyday is not the same. There are days of promotion, the day of holiday is not the same as the day of exam. The way I see IPPC is the day that will change our lives. As you plan for the program think about what you will do like offerings, seeds etc. The one who put things to the heart is more likely to have a quality life. The IPPC mobile app have been launched and it will give delegate insight to what they will achieve in the conference. We will have an exhibition that will run on the Tuesday of the conference. These exhibition promise to be the best ever. All that will be exhibiting will give us information. They will tell you what the lord has done and the ones he is willing to do. For example the Rhapsody of realities have a lot of product. There are lots of things in our ministry that some dont know about. Explore, connect and expand. There is a site that suit the exhibition. There are lots of apps that has been introduced in our ministry and they will give you information about that. Make sure you plan to be a part of the exhibition. We have brought a lot of cafe in the exhibition and there is food for everyone. There is an international music concert taking place at the end of the conference pastor kareen tell us about it. Extraordinary times require extraordinary manifestation. Access control. Registration is the first thing, every individual will get the access card from their church pastors. Please dont use someones picture. Your picture is going to be on the card. Dont put just anything there. There is a colour code that identify the access you used into the LCA, the parking you used etc. I want to thank you for coming on set to explain these things. This is the month of November. I want to read a few Scriptures beginning with Luke 22:40-44 And when he was at the place, he said unto them, Pray that ye enter not into temptation. 41 And he was withdrawn from them about a stones cast, and kneeled down, and prayed, 42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. 43 And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. 44 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. There appeared an angel unto him from heaven. How did the Angel strengthened Jesus. Why did he prayed in agony? It is because of the groaning of the spirit. Struggling for victory and to overcome something. There is a struggle, like a sports man working hard and breaking all the limits to win something. Jesus was working out for the purpose of victory, Jesus prayed more earnestly, because of this struggle for victory and his sweat was as a great drop of blood falling down to the ground. Mathew 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Jesus said pray that you entered not into temptation. The flesh will make you do the wrong thing. This is so important. There are temptation moving and temptation is coming. Peter was about to deny jesus and he dont know it. The disciples were about to be scattered but they dont know it but Jesus knew it. Dont let your faith fail. If you are not careful you will be led by the road side and you will think is normal. Pray that you enter not into temptation. He knows you want to serve God, win souls etc but the flesh is weak. The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak. This month I referred to reading this portion to you in August 2013 the month of strengthening I explained all that to you. But this month of November is the Month strengthening. There is a long Journey for you in this month of strengthening. You need strength for this Journey and there is strength for you. This month the spirit of God will minister to you in a special way so you need strength. It Is a long journey and as you go there will be battle and you need strength for the battle. 2 Samuel 22:40 I am equipped with strength for the battle. Jesus was strengthened by the angel as he was going to face a battle. He was praying. Notice Elijah was givien food by the Angels. It is spiritual and it comes with prayer. On that journey there are battles and you need strength for it. If you dont have the energy stop confessing it and pray for it. Trouble is coming and you have to face it but you need strength for the battle. Thirdly, you need strength for the times. You know we are in special times in God calendar. Daniel 10:14- Daniel saw the vision of the times the people of Isreal were going through and he said I lost strength for the time. He was strengthened as the Angel of the lord said to him be strong. What causes strenght to dissipate is because of what he saw in the vision. The bible said perilious times shall come and these are perilious times. When you understand it you put your faith in God. You need strength for the times. I love what happened here not only did the Angel touch him but he spoke strength into him. Every friday of this month beginning with next Friday we will Fast and Pray. All of us all over the world. Already pastors fast every friday but this is different. Every friday of the month you go to church. Use the friday for this month of November, have a special service and it should only last for 2 hours from beginning to end. These are prayer services and we will be with fasting. It is until the service is over. It will be nice if the pastors share some biscuit to break the fast. I did not say share rice. It is prayer and fasting. Take this very seriously in preparation and they are not miracle crusades. Dont lay hands in that meeting and dont turn it into teaching service. You have worship and a very short exhortation for 15 minutes. Then take time to pray it is very important. The lord is going to minister to us with strength for the journey, these are extra ordinary times that require extra ordinary response for extra ordinary journey. If you have a challenge of traveling as a result of your job you go to any christ Embassy around you. If you do this in this month of November, you will have an extra ordinary december. All the churches go to church on friday. Take it seriously and pastors make sure you make this announcement and share it on sunday morning so that those who are not in the communion will join. It is an instruction from the spirit. Yea I have told you. I want to thank all the pastors who are here with me on set. We will go into worship session. God bless you. The development of your spirit and growth is very important. Thats why we have some materials for you. The first one is Life is Spiritual. Cultivating the spirit of Prayer. The Man, the Message and the Mandate. Rhapsody of Realities for early readers are also available. Make sure you get these materials. Today as you take this communion whatever problem you have had in you physical body let your faith be released today and a miracle will happen. There are certain individuals who have cancerous growth several men and women in different places. As we take this communion you will be healed. In fact there are some of you while you are drinking the cup the annointing of Gods spirit will come on you. I see certain individual who are afflicted in their spirit. I see certain people who have headache and have tried some medications and is not going. As you take this communion those demonic afflictions will leave you. I see a lady who have a big sour in your leg as we take this communion receive this communion and be grateful to God for what he has done for you. Glory to God. So am going to read this portion as I always read to you. 1 Corinthians 11:23-30King James Version (KJV) 23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: 24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. 25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. 26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lords death till he come. 27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. 29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lords body. 30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 21:07:51 +0000

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