The Moon is in Sagittarius this morning, about to trine Jupiter in - TopicsExpress


The Moon is in Sagittarius this morning, about to trine Jupiter in Leo and the nodal axis of the Moon before turning void of course for the day. Meanwhile Venus is just now separating from the sun (becoming the evening star again), and along with the Sun is directly trine to Neptune today. Its a great day to reflect on the subject of True love. We hear and use the phrase all the time, but what exactly do we mean? The word love is like New York city...its a fractured and beautiful mess, containing worlds within worlds within worlds. There is no one love anymore than there is one New York City, and yet we talk about both like there is. Weve literalized our most poetic descriptions and forgotten why we used them in the first place. True love shouldnt make us think that there is only one love that is universally and absolutely true compared to many versions that are false. The phrase true love is rather a reminder that there is an experience in the metropolis of love, in the city of love that never sleeps, that somehow strikes out like a morning bell and says, Hey. Stop and take a look at this!! Because we all know that truth can be a moving target and love a living memory. Truth a secret sensibility and love an invisible rogue. So when we say, Real or authentic or true love...most of the time were talking as though the normally winged, boyish, and evasive cupid has suddenly walked into our lives blasting a trumpet and reading aloud from a divinely imparted scroll. And even though this experience actually exists...the heralding and golden presentation of lasting love as an unavoidable destiny, we all know that true love can sink just as quickly as it rose, back into the dark waters of all the other kinds of love. Lest we forget that Eros himself was often blind, poor, and destitute... Today as Venus is in Scorpio trining Neptune in Pisces, its a good day to talk about true love as well as the many many other fantasies of love that exist, as well as the impermanence of any of them. Sometimes people say, you have to really become your authentic self before you can attract someone into your life. I think we ought to have a huge bonfire and use the dried out sticks and logs of that statement. We ought to warm ourselves around the fire of how unimaginative this kind of thinking has become. Its like the new ages version of a WWJD bracelet from the Christian movement. :-) Or at least lets play with what were actually saying here. First of all, were assuming that there is just one authentic self or authentic way of being. Second were assuming that the attraction of true love into our lives (itself another concept loaded with assumptions and a history of its own) depends upon us finding this (mythic) personal authenticity. Its all very heroic and overly invested in the literal idea of true love. With Venus and Neptune trining today, with Venus in her detriment, its a good day to expose ourselves to the illusions of true love. Its a good day to see through the literalism of whatever version of love weve worshiped for too long as TRUEST. Venus and Neptune together remind us that love is many and love is imaginal. If we take these ideas and rethink our true love concept, we get a slightly different take on the true love meme. We get the idea that imagination is more important than authenticity. What fantasy are you living? Are you aware that youre imagining and dreaming your life into existence? Are you aware that there is no one right or wrong way to do this? Are you enjoying the freedom of your imagination? There is nothing wrong with creating love with someone before you know yourself. Because who knows if youll ever know yourself in whatever way that scolding voice is telling you that you should. Theres nothing wrong with meeting someone and falling into the creation of a life or a story or an entire world together. Theres nothing wrong with doing this RATHER than taking a speciality course first, honing a skill first, collecting degrees first, writing a book first, doing 10,000 yoga classes first, or going on a vision quest first. Because at the end of the day its not about WHAT we create WITH our imagination, or WHO we are, that determines if our dreams will become lasting or true stories. We need to go beyond the moralizing and the true and false or authentic and inauthentic cliches if were to stay intimately aware of our imaginal freedom. And the point here is just to take a moment to consider that our imaginal freedom is more important than the singular worship of words like truth or love. When Venus descends into the Scorpionic underworld, its a time to see through our most literalized notions of love or truth. Imaginal freedom is prized in the underworld because people who are stuck in sunnyside literalizations of truth and love usually dont fare well in Hades....a world where everything is turned upside down and the only way through the labyrinth is to see things from the downside up. The question we might ask ourselves when falling in romantic love these days I falling in love with someone who is as imaginally free as I am? Or rather, am I falling in love with someone whose fantasies are attractive to me and me to them? Do we imagine together in fun and exciting ways? Rather than is this true or authentic, or Am I my own person yet? Prayer: “Love alone is not enough. Without imagination, love stales into sentiment, duty, boredom. Relationships fail not because we have stopped loving but because we first stopped imagining.” --James Hillman
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 14:21:34 +0000

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