The Moon will aspect Mercury this morning right before moving into - TopicsExpress


The Moon will aspect Mercury this morning right before moving into its exaltation in Taurus and right before Mercury enters Virgo. Its an excellent time to initiate cleanup, beautifying or organizing projects of all kinds. Its a great day to clean your refrigerator, change your diet, or take the first train back to healthy town. Changes we make today, the ones weve been meaning to make for a while now, will likely last for a long time. The presence of Mars and Saturn is telling us that what we choose to commit to right now will have a powerful effect over a long period of time. We get this because the symbolism of fixed signs implies this kind of lasting effect. Scorpio in particular points to the deepest levels of transformation (often these involve a descent or purging of some kind). Mars helps us to go after things with full force, and Saturn crystallizes the commitments over the long haul. Sometimes we think of what will be required of us over a long period of time, and this makes us shy away from commitment or difficult changes. But the truth is often that commitment happens in the smallest and easiest decisions, which reinforce each other and help hold our commitments together. Virgo can help us start off on the right foot today by helping us get organized, or by helping us make just a few more of those small decisions that keep the ship of our bigger decisions afloat. An example. Each time I do an astrology reading I turn on a small lamp next to my computer. Sometimes I light a candle. I clear my desk and organize my things around me. I could feel 100% not ready to do a reading, but as soon as I perform this simple ritual, Im usually turned around and ready to go. Another example--I read constantly for the sake of my work. But in order to make the time to read, I have to create space each day. Creating the space for our commitments is usually much harder than the commitment itself. I love the reading..its creating the time for it in my schedule each day thats tough! Heres a list of some specific Virgoan activities that might help us either commit to something new or else renew or commitments to the things we love: * Hygiene--are you brushing, flossing, washing, taking the time to take care of your body in the small ways? Is there something small you can change to enjoy this more or be more present with your upkeep? Sounds stupid, but never underestimate the power of a new toothbrush or a good bathroom cleaning. * Kitchen--is your kitchen organized and clean? Have you thrown out moldy old villains living in suspect old jars in your fridge? Never underestimate the power of cleanliness and sparkle in the kitchen. * Is your office/workspace reflecting things you value, things that have soul? Are you organized, caught up on all the stupid busy work aspects? Why not do it now and flip the script on the lethargy? * Is your music collection an accurate reflection of your soul? Isnt it about time to chuck a few GBs worth of stuff from some old ex gf/bf or some former time in your life when you thought youd go country or disco or whatever else (sorry country and disco fans...) * How about old photo albums or boxes full of stuff? Time for the hoarder in you to give back to the gods. And try a massive dump, a full box thrown into a garbage can, rather than sorting through each individual thing for six hours. * What about that new diet, yoga, meditation, prayer, reading, exercise challenge youve been meaning to get started on? Why not get ready for it and set a start date? These are just a few examples that popped into my head...but see what comes up...and remember to give yourself manageable chores...we cant do everything at once. Today its all about clearing the psychic space for imminent changes. By cleaning and organizing and purging a few things, we invite larger changes to present themselves as we enter Virgo season and prepare for the harvest time of the Fall Equinox. Prayer: thinking of changes like entire us to make room for their entrance and their gifts by cleaning and clearing the small spaces around us.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 13:34:43 +0000

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