The Morning Report 7/17/14 One more wake and we leave for our - TopicsExpress


The Morning Report 7/17/14 One more wake and we leave for our vacation. The rain yesterday put us a little behind but WE will be done and ready today so we can leave tomorrow. We have a few green tomatoes in the garden that will be picked and taken with us because we figure that they will either ripen or not but if they do; we have them and they will be eaten. I hope that the instruction left with Zeb will keep the garden going but if it doesn’t; oh well we start again. I know I’ve said it before but I like to see things grow and gardening is a favorite thing for me to do especially when I’m reaping the rewards from my efforts, like picking fresh tomatoes, squash or any of the vegetables that we have growing. I know that I put out that I was going to try some sweet potatoes in the tubs, I don’t know if they are producing sweet potatoes but they are sure producing a lot of vines. The sweet potatoes that we ate over the winter and ate the last of them just a few weeks ago tasted like they had sugar on them, that’s how sweet they were. I think that I put out what my father told me about sweet potatoes. He said that you let them stay in the ground until the first frost and then cut the vines off of them and then dig the potatoes. He said that it will make them very sweet and boy was he right. The ones we dug this past fall were just wonderful and the ones that Kathy canned taste like candied yams, they are so good. I guess that some of the older methods were right to get good tasting stuff. The other thing about these potatoes is that they haven’t been irradiated and will grow unlike the ones in the grocery store. The last potato that we had was producing a lot of shoots out of it and we decided that we would put it in one of the tubs to see what it would do and it is growing wonderfully. We do have sweet potato slips if anybody wants to come get them. They need to be planted in the next few weeks because it takes 90 to 120 days for the sweet potatoes to really produce, but if we have a late frost they will produce until then. I’m really glad to see that we are having a wet July and really hope that we have a wet August, I would like to see the lake levels come up some and would like to see us get the rain that we used to when I was young. There are many ponds around here that where here when I was young that are no longer here. There are some that have houses in them and if the water table was like it was when I was young they would be swimming to their bedrooms. I know that things change constantly and I know a lot of folks believe that the lower water table in the aquifer is because the influx of people, I’m not going to say that it is the main cause. I think that it has help lower the water table but I really believe that the main cause is the lack of rain. Why do we not have the rain that we once did? I don’t know, I believe that it is because of a lot of the large oaks being removed to guild houses, stores, parking lots and etc. I don’t believe that the clear cutting of the forest and then replanting in non native long leaf pine (I really don’t know if they are non native) replacing the sand pine is a good thing. I believe that when man tries to improve on nature, it usually doesn’t work. We worry about the politicians in Tallahassee and Washington misusing the funds that are there from our tax money and I agree it is very important but I really believe that we have as important or maybe even more important thing to worry about like what is killing off the bees? If all the bees in the world are killed off, most of the population if not all of the population in the world would cease to exist in a short period of time. The food we have now would be used up and there would be no more. WE let big business control the world and we shouldn’t do that. We shouldn’t let their continual “profit above everything” ideals run our world. They should have to produce things that are good for us and don’t have things in them that probably are harmful to us and to the nature around us. I’m not against pesticides, I’m against pesticides that have residuals that are embedded them that we end up eating and that kills of the helpful insects. I’m not against herbicides, I’m against herbicides that leave residuals they we end up consuming. All of these things are produced and used in these conglomerate farms and that produce is then sold to stores for our consumption. This is why so many people in our country are going organic or at least somewhat organic. Y’all have a great and wonderful day and remember to take a moment to smell the roses!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 10:06:41 +0000

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