The Morning Report Every day is a different day and all of them - TopicsExpress


The Morning Report Every day is a different day and all of them can be good if you will let it; don’t let the little things get you down, work on the big things and do the best that you can. When I was working, most days I looked forward to going to work and enjoyed my job. Now being retired and working harder than I ever worked while I was working; I think that I’m enjoying life even better. Now I get to chose what I want to do each day (most of the time) and sometimes that even changes. I get frustrated when things don’t go the way I want them to but that is the way of life. I think about days gone by and the changes that occurred in my lifetime and I am truly amazed. I sit here typing on a laptop computer that is operating off a battery and am on the internet with no wires connecting it. I was impatient this morning because it took almost 5 minutes for the computer to boot up and let me on the internet and then it wouldn’t get on it. I actually had to re-boot the wireless thing that we have and then my patience was really getting thin. The computer had to install some upgrades which even made it longer on hooking up so my frustration built even more. Now thinking about it, it was really nothing. A few years ago we couldn’t do any of this no matter how long it took. We used to communicate with friends and family with letters that were hand written and mailed. These letters took days and sometimes even weeks to get to where they needed to go and the responses would take even longer to get back. Yes, we could telephone these folks but that was long distance and it costs money to do that and money was always tight back in those days. I think I was a teenager before we had a telephone at our house (and I really didn’t like it because Mom could call wherever I might be and tell me to come home earlier than I wanted). Now we have cell phones that we carry with us all the time and sometimes we get important calls from solicitors and other unwanted people, but a lot of the time we receive calls from folks we know and want to talk with. We are almost always able to locate whoever we want to talk to in a moment by calling them on their cell phone. We don’t think about that they might be in a meeting, driving or even more important taking a nap, we just call. We have got used to instant gratification on being able to call people. It used to be safe when we growing up to have the children play outside and we didn’t have to worry about the predators like we do now. Or is it because we have more instant news coverage and we are aware more quickly about a child being snatched up by a stranger? I don’t know. I know that there was predators back when we were children but the news coverage of them was not like it is now. Don’t get me wrong, I think that it is wonderful that we are made aware of all these things and protect our children the way we do; I just wish that it was safer on the streets for everybody. Back then, when I was young, you knew all of your neighbors. How many of us know them now? We have 5 houses behind us and we know 4 of the folks that live there. I’ve tried to meet the 5th one but haven’t succeeded yet. We’ve met a lot of folks in our neighborhood (and it is a fairly large area) and it has definitely been worth the effort that we put out. I think that from porches disappearing from houses has been a terrible thing. When there were front porches, folks would sit on the porches and watch the world go by. They weren’t watching TV; they were sitting on the porch talking and watching the world. They were able to relax more and sometimes friends and neighbors would stop by and more talking would occur. Some friendships were lost but most were made stronger from the front porch. Children would play in the yard and not on video games and they would learn to communicate with each other. You found out if somebody needed help and it was freely given. I miss the front porches. Y’all have a great and wonderful day and remember to take a moment to smell the roses!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 10:25:51 +0000

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