The Morning Report Today is the beginning of a brand new day. We - TopicsExpress


The Morning Report Today is the beginning of a brand new day. We can start everything fresh and new and begin a wonderful new day. I’m glad that yesterday is over. I picked up the tractor, brought it home and had to unhook the hay mower. If anything could go wrong it did. I’m glad that we had 2 tractors because if we hadn’t, I still wouldn’t be unhooked from that mower. What should have been a 5 minute job ended up taking about 2 ½ hours. It didn’t do anything; I just screwed up and kept trying things that kept making it worse before giving up and getting the other tractor. I’m glad that it is done. The other mower hooked up easier than it ever has and is loaded on the trailer; ready to go mow at a friend’s. Of course, filling up the tractor meant running out of diesel fuel; so another 300 gallons has to be ordered. It wasn’t that good of a day yesterday, but today is a new one. The cows decided that the grass was good in the home pasture and all were over here yesterday. It always make me feel good when I see them lying in the shade under a tree in the daytime. What this tells me is that they are getting enough grass to eat and are not having to scrounge around for food. This tells me that our pastures are healthy and good. We have them shut into a small portion (probably about 40 to 60 acres) and they are keeping the grass down somewhat but it is still staying ahead of them. The rest of the fields are growing and will be cut for hay in the next few weeks, hopefully we will get about 125 bales from here, and another 150 from two other fields we have leased. I don’t like to start the winter with less than 200 bales. That may be an over kill, but I rather have too much than not enough. Each day I get up and drink my coffee, read the newspaper (if it is here) (now sometimes I’m able to get it on the computer) and reflect on what it happening in the world. Most of us don’t have a clue of what trying to survive means. There are folks here in the USA that don’t know if they are going to eat today or not, whether they will be attacked in their sleep by “good people” looking for something to do, they don’t know if they will survive the night and see the light of day. WE as a country are real good about giving away our products and money to try to help other countries but we don’t help our own; I just don’t understand. Is the corruption in the government that much? Are we so complacent that we don’t see or care? Why are we allowing our leaders to do this? Why don’t we get off of our duffs and do something? Is it because we always want somebody else to do it? I feel that the majority of us care very little about our fellow Americans and are more concerned about what’s in it for me. Y’all have a great and wonderful day and remember to take a moment to smell the roses!
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 09:56:26 +0000

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