The Morning Report Yesterday finished up re-piling all the - TopicsExpress


The Morning Report Yesterday finished up re-piling all the different piles of horse manure and cow manure that we have. The horse manure is used on the hay fields as fertilizer and the cow manure is actually almost what you buy at the store for black cow. It is where we put the hay out for the cows in winter and after winter all the leftover hay that has been peed and pooped on is pushed into a pile to compost. After about a year (two is better) and being turned a few times; it becomes very black dirt that is used in the tub gardens. We have produced some awesome vegetables in the past by using this dirt. We usually don’t have to use any commercial fertilizer and everything seems to like it. It is another job to refill the tubs each year but is worthwhile when the harvest starts. I planted some multiplying onions yesterday and hope fully we will have more onions for the salads later on in the year. I didn’t keep up with the tub gardens and all of our multipliers disappeared during the spring and summer. I was very negligent on the garden after the poor harvest this year. Our tower gardens are doing great. The one in the green house has tomato plants that are growing rapidly and the one outside also has tomato plants growing pretty fast. The outside one also has leaf lettuce in it that we will be able to get some lettuce from whenever we want some. It is wonderful to have the flavorful taste of the fresh picked lettuce in your salad. I never realized how much difference in flavor there was between the fresh picked and the store bought. I guess the difference is that the store bought has lost most of its flavor in the time from when it is picked and when it reaches your table. I know that there is a lot of fresh stuff that you buy in the store that isn’t “fitten” to eat. Sometimes we are able to get some peaches or nectarines that have flavor but it is a hit and miss thing. The time before last, the peaches were okay but this last time they were horrible and uneatable. I know that the problem is getting them picked from the farmer to the place where you and I buy them but they pick them to green and the flavor is gone when they are ready to eat. It has become a work for the almighty dollar and we as the recipient have let this happen. If no one bought any of these horrible tasting things, they would pick them at a better time and learn a way to ship them that wouldn’t ruin the flavor, but we as consumers continue to buy these things that do not taste like they should. While riding the pasture and checking on the cows; there was an eagle sitting on a power pole; as I got close, he flew to the old dead oak tree and was a beautiful sight in this tree, but as I got closer he left for other places. I didn’t have the camera and it was definitely a Kodak moment. Riding the pasture is one of the great things that I do, I see different things every day and see some glorious things that nature has produced. New born calves to all kinds of birds and deer sometimes and I have seen bears and other animals on my trips. No trip is ever the same and I’m always looking for the differences. Y’all have a great and wonderful day and remember to take a moment to smell the roses!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 09:48:36 +0000

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