The Morning Report Yesterday is done and today has begun. What we - TopicsExpress


The Morning Report Yesterday is done and today has begun. What we did yesterday can’t be re-done and new beginning has begun. Yesterday I made my biannual trip to the dermatologist and they froze several spots on my body. It seems that every time I go there is more for them to remove. I guess that I’m paying for growing up in Florida and a lovely vacation across the pond in Viet Nam. After returning home I actually didn’t do a whole lot, I sat around and read while Kathy was preparing hamburger from our last butchered steer for canning. About all we have left from that one is hamburger and when you butcher one you get a lot of hamburger. The new ones need to do some growing so we can get some more steaks and other good pieces. I’m looking forward to the next one because with her new dehydrator, we are going to take some of the poorer cuts and make some jerky. It isn’t that we eat a lot of it, but is nice to take with me when I’m working, mowing hay or something like that for a midday snack. We’ve made it before and have made it so hot that it was almost inedible and I don’t think that we do it that hot again but we will try some different homemade flavors. I still haven’t cleaned out the tower gardens although I have herbicided the garden. Now I’m waiting for it to take effect in it, so the fall garden can be planted. I know that Kathy wants to try various things in the dehydrator and also in the canning department so in between cutting hay and working in the garden, we will have some good eats. I’ve never seen a year like this where the stink bugs have been so ferocious. We’ve not been able to harvest any tomatoes to count and that is the reason that I’m going to start from scratch in the tower gardens. They are the only one with tomatoes still and the stink bugs are all over every tomato regardless I’ve tried to do. So I’m thinking if their food is eliminated for a while, they might disappear. The dobie calf is doing okay. I don’t think that it has accepted a surrogate mother but it seems to be not losing weight and is not being lethargic; although I am able to get closer and closer to it each day and was able to touch it yesterday. We may end penning it up and trying to get it to eat some higher protein feed and see if that might help it. We haven’t heard anything about Grayson and we are planning to go for a visit this week. We will take him at least one carrot or treat. It still amazes me how I could get so attached to him so quick. I guess that I felt sorry for him at first and then when I started giving him some attention and he gave some (what I believe as affection back); I was caught. It seems that every day I think about him and look for him in the pasture knowing that he isn’t there. I also realize that he will be a better horse when he does come home. Y’all have a great and wonderful day and remember to take a moment to smell the roses!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 09:54:31 +0000

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