The Most High Living GOD is W.A.R.! By Larry Harris, - TopicsExpress


The Most High Living GOD is W.A.R.! By Larry Harris, Servant-Leader, Apostle, Founder Manifested Sons of GOD International F.A.I.T.H. Ministries I declare & decree that in JESUS name so be it done to me that I agree & fully understand comprehending as my reality that the living GOD is W.A.R. and HE is in my & your true identity which all S.U.C.C.E.S.S. T.O. S.U.C.C.E.E D. flows and is upon and in each one of us who have accepted believed and confessed JESUS the CHRIST, the anointed one with all power & authority, YESHUA Ha-MASHIACH, the propitiation for all the sins of humankind, IMMANUEL, GOD among & with us the greater one who died, shed HIS blood & arose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of our heavenly FATHER always making intercessions for us who HE even now lives & dwells within us and has placed HIS greatness upon and in you & me that is exuding & oozing down from. the top of our heads to the soles of our feet as a sweet smelling perfumed savor which is as an oil of F.A.V.O.U.R. (Faith Accomplishing Victoriously Omnipotently Ultimate Restoration) which the LORD GOD has programmed & personally hardwired into our mind, backed up by writing all these things on the tablets of your heart & the pillars in our minds that we access by in through & with the mind of CHRIST in you & I! I declare & decree, profess & confess, prescribe & subscribe by speaking life to the life to all of you whom are readibg these words... Now you start declaring & decreeing, professing & confessing the promises of the LORD GOD coming into the knowledge of knowing absolutely HE has blessed you and HE has fearully; meaning skillfully, marvelously, wonderfully made you to cherish, esteem, honor, love & protect you as HIS family only desiring us to mutually L.O.V.E. (Live Omnipotentky Victoriously Eternally-everlasting) in & with HIM and one another ... For HE has called and drawn us to whatever location HE has placed us to develop & form a closer bond with HIM & each other to learn, instructed and be taught by HOLY SPIRIT the art of W A.R. (Within Arms Reach) meaning HE is W.A.R. and has declared & decreed our words are filled & warehoused as containers loaded & packed to the rim with the dunamis power of HOLY SPIRIT JEHOVAH ALMIGHTY who we can call upon everyday to refresh & refill us as we proactively use our F.A.I.T.H. (Fearless Actions-activated Inside The Heart)) in HIS f.a.i.t.h. (full assurance-activated inside the heart) through using f.a.i.t.h. (forwarding all issues to heaven) as we C.O.M.E. (Centered On Messiah Ever-increasingly) through the mind of CHRIST in which we access our true identies as manifested sons of GOD made to walk as Kings & Priests after the order of Melchizedek! I believe, I hear the LORD saying, I have blessed you beyobd measure and I will manifest great wealth to you and you are and will be a blessing going sonewhere to happpen! I claim, receive, take, put in and on my heart & mind the words of the Most High Living GOD letting the sound of them resonate, marinate, permeate, tenderize & be quickened; meaning made alive, in my entire being by knowing that I am destined for unexpected blessings to be an expected way of life for us who believe the promises & blessings of GOD... In the name of JESUS it is already done and made so! It has already been declared & decreed that it is our destiny to absolutely reign with HIM!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 20:58:33 +0000

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