The Mother of All Herbs Cayenne is the #1 stimulant herb. It is - TopicsExpress


The Mother of All Herbs Cayenne is the #1 stimulant herb. It is the purest and most powerful of all the medicinal herbs. The best description I have ever read of cayenne is that it causes the fires of life to burn more brightly. Cayenne rebuilds (yes, rebuilds) vein structures, removes plaque from the veins, and sends the blood rushing along carrying nutrients to every cell of the body. If I could only have one herb in my house, cayenne would be the one that I would choose! Cayennes action on the cardiovascular system is almost instantaneous. Cayenne will stop bleeding, even of hemorrhage proportions, and is the first thing that I would reach for at the onset of a stroke or heart attack. Studies have repeatedly shown that cayenne reduces blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. In addition to that amazing feat, cayenne reduces the instances of platelet aggregation -- meaning that cayenne prevents blood clots. Cayenne contains carotene molecules which are powerful antioxidants. Interestingly, although cayenne is hot to the taste it actually lowers body temperatures by stimulating a center in the hypothalamus that is responsible for cooling the body. Cayenne, applied topically, reduces pain. Cayenne is an accentuator and will increase the healing properties of the other herbs. By adding a touch of cayenne to a respiratory formula, for example, the respiratory herbs will reach the lungs and begin their healing action much more quickly. You will notices in the formulas section of the book, Butterfly Miracles with Herbal Remedies, that cayenne, in small parts, is in nearly every formula. Cayenne is high in zinc, which is essential to the hormonal glands. Cayenne is also high in vitamin A and vitamin C, rutin (which strengthens arteries and veins), iron, calcium, and potassium. (The above is taken from the herbal book, Butterfly Miracles with Essential Oils by LaRee Westover. Be sure to plant some of this wonderful herb in your garden this year. Youll be glad you did.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 22:00:01 +0000

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