The Multiple Dimensions of ISIS Propaganda You can see the - TopicsExpress


The Multiple Dimensions of ISIS Propaganda You can see the Wests spin doctors using the Israel-Gaza conflict to divide Sunnis and Shiaa, and likewise divide the Arab world with the ISIS hordes running rampant in Syria and Iraq. However, there is another dimension to this - outside of the Middle East and North Africa. To the profoundly ignorant in the West, who only see ragheads and have no idea what a Sunni or Shiaa is, have never read the Quran, nor know that the Sunni extremists are actually brainwashed Wahabists created by Saudi Arabia, the US, and Israel to fill the ranks of their godless mercenary armies - they see ISIS and Gaza as another excuse to hate Muslims (and really any brown person) and call for total war against the Middle East while erecting a police state at home to allay their insecurities and fears. The spin doctors are doing a number on the weaker among us. Try to be patient with them, but also start thinking about solutions that do not require convincing these weak minded people of anything, and instead find them a path of lesser resistance to follow than the one of hate and self-depreciation the West has given them to walk (or more like crawl) down.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 07:48:05 +0000

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