The Muslim Brotherhood from Istanbul to Lahore the following - TopicsExpress


The Muslim Brotherhood from Istanbul to Lahore the following media conference Islamists in Istanbul, held a meeting leaders of the organizations of the Muslim Brotherhood in different countries, in the Pakistani city of Lahore away from the limelight in order to develop action plans to address what happened to the organization in Egypt. title of the meeting, which is sponsored by the Islamic group in Pakistan, is to formulate integrated action plan to deal with the two files Egyptian and Syrian. discusses a meeting Istanbul issues related aspect theoretical challenges facing the organization World Brotherhood after the fall of their rule in Egypt and how to mobilize civil society organizations and the Western powers to support the return of the rule on the basis that they were "a popular choice free." But meeting the most important Lahore examines the practical steps on the ground to move, and specifically in Egypt, to overthrow the Transitional Authority which took over after the dismissal of Mohamed Morsi, after popular protests. was the previous conference to organize international hosted by Istanbul in July recommended a number of measures such as the use of a number of clergy admitted to popular mobilization among their supporters against the authorities in Egypt, as well as highlighting the "Faces moderate" in the media and public forums. well as the continuing protests aimed at disabled public life in Egypt, especially in the capital Cairo and other major cities to disrupt the transitional government and distracting their efforts and to provide material for the media sympathetic with the Muslim Brotherhood to promote the deterioration of the situation in Egypt . Yet the failure of those moves in mobilizing public support growing, or change the position of the world what is happening in Egypt, escalated violence, especially in the Sinai peninsula and elsewhere in Egypt. Yet campaigns Egyptian security to cleanse the hotbeds of armed violence that the concentration of the supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, of Kerdasa in Giza to Dga in Minya, is expected to consider the conferees in other methods to move in the ways of financing and implementation. Though Male Syrian file, but that the crisis of fighting between the factions described بالإسلامية forces and other opposition make put the Muslim Brotherhood there is emitter of optimism, at least so far. It remains Theater move main practical potential Egyptian arena, which is the Muslim Brotherhood, the fall of their rule which means lack of chance to come to power in any of the countries that are active where the term perspective. not yet known what could turn to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, but that the choice of Pakistan specifically, believed that the rest of the al-Qaeda elements stationed between them and Afghanistan indicates that the new tactics may be closer to the practices of groups that emerged from the Muslim Brotherhood since the seventies and until the end of the last century.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 04:06:48 +0000

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