The Muslim Brotherhood in the White House! Did the White House - TopicsExpress


The Muslim Brotherhood in the White House! Did the White House tours compromise their free run of the place?! -Arif Alikhan – Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security -Mohammed Elibiary – Homeland Security Adviser -Rashad Hussain – Special Envoy to the (OIC) Organization of the Islamic Conference -Salam al-Marayati – Obama Adviser – founder Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director -Imam Mohamed Magid – Obama’s Sharia Czar – Islamic Society of North America -Eboo Patel – Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships Some of these radical Muslim sympathizers go back to the first month of BHO’s first administration. For example, Cass Sunstein’s wife Samantha Power is now Ambassador to the UN – with an 87-10 approval of the Senate. Power, who married the atheist Sunstein in a Catholic Church in Ireland, would, in my opinion, not make it as Ambassador to the Vatican. Her seemingly mixed approaches to the value of human life and sympathy for Islam are dubious at best. Former UN Ambassador John Bolton opposed her nomination. Her pressure to depose the Libyan ruler Khadafy only opened the door for mass persecution of Christians, just as is happening in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Sudan, and (in the hopes of the Administration and the MSM) in Syria. I discern this is a widespread effort to destroy Western Culture, of which the Catholic Church in particular and Christianity in general is key. Then there’s Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett, who is reported to be the real brains in the White House – much to the detriment of Constitutional government of the people and by the people And let’s not forget Hillary’s significant other in the State Department – Huma Abedin and her ties to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, where Christians are being persecuted, raped, and murdered. A friend sent this excerpt from a Godfather Politics article to my attention. It sums up what a number of people suspect about Huma Abedin. Huma Abedin is a devout Muslim from a powerful Muslim family. Her mother is Saleha Mahmoud Abedin, a professor and dean at Dar El-Hekma College in Saudi Arabia. She is also a prominent official in the Muslim Sisterhood, the female counterpart to the Muslim Brotherhood. Although Huma married a Jew, a mortal enemy of all Muslims, she is still accepted by her Muslim family and friends. Normally her marriage would have constituted her being disowned by the family and subjected to an honor killing. So one has to beg the question why she had been allowed to marry a Jew and not face disgrace from her family and fellow Muslims? I believe the answer can be found in a Muslim word ‘Muruna’. There are times when Muslim leadership believe it is more important to plant a spy to gain valuable information than it is for that spy to follow all Muslim law. It is not uncommon for Muslim leadership to push a woman into a relationship with a non-Muslim in order to gain the confidence and trust of an infidel. Once that trust has been gained, the Muslim woman can begin to exert some influence into the dealings of her husband and in the process learn important secrets that she can pass on to her Muslim handlers back home. I believe Huma Abedin is a Muruna and that her marriage to the Rep. Anthony Weiner was planned and sanctioned by the Muslim Brotherhood. At the time, Weiner had high expectations of furthering his political career, possibly a run for senate seat once held by Hillary Clinton or even higher. Having a husband in the US Congress would be a great asset to the Muslim Brotherhood. Then Weiner was disgraced and ended up resigning from Congress. If that was the end of his political career, it would seem that a divorce would have been proper, but for some reason, it wasn’t to be. This makes me wonder if Weiner’s run for mayor could have been prompted by the strong encouragement of his wife, Huma. The Muslim Brotherhood has invested too much into Abedin’s marriage with Weiner to throw it down the tubes so soon, so he is being advised or pressured to run for office again. If Weiner loses the mayoral election, then perhaps the Muslim Brotherhood will advise her to get a divorce and concentrate on her position as an advisor to the State Department. Abedin will still be a valuable asset to the Muslim Brotherhood, even without Weiner because of her relationship with Hillary Clinton. She was Clinton’s number one confidant while she was Secretary of State. If Hillary manages to win the presidential election in 2016, you can bet your bottom dollar that Abedin will be by her side in some key role, enabling her to pass many state secrets back to her Muslim Brotherhood family. In my opinion, Huma Abedin is a dangerous enemy of the United States and should be treated as such. Muslim writers say: “When the locust swarms darken vast countries, they bear on their wings these Arabic words, ‘We are God’s host, each of us has 99 eggs, and if we had 100, we should lay waste to the world and all that is in it.’” I used to think that Iran getting a nuclear weapon was the “100th egg.” Today, I’m almost convinced that the “100th egg” is the United States of America under Islamic rule. What other nation in the hands of evil men and women could lay waste to the world?
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 01:59:22 +0000

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