The Myanmar Massacre The macabre killing of Rohingya Muslims, - TopicsExpress


The Myanmar Massacre The macabre killing of Rohingya Muslims, torching their houses and destruction of mosques and madrasas by Buddhists monks and Buddhist terrorists in the region of Rakhine and other areas of Myanmar have been highlighted by global media since 2012 and world leaders, US President Barak Obama, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the Dalai Lama have all expressed their contempt and condemnation over the atrocities. Rohingyas have been living in the Arakan state of Myanmar since 8th century and constitute 5% of the population but being born and bred there do not qualify them as citizens simply because they are Muslims considered once migrated from East Bengal (now Bangladesh) having vast ideological differences to the majority Buddhists. That is the reason why the government does not come to the rescue of the Rohingyas during the calamity and turns a blind eye to their predicament, nay, their physical existence in the land of the Buddha’s. In other words, the government seems to be in cohorts with the Buddhist terrorists in their intent to eliminate and exterminate the Rohingyas from the Myanmar territory. This is clear indication of wanton ethnic cleansing of the highsest degree. Buddhist Rakhines have unleashed a reign of terror, thousands of them descending on Rohingya habitat beating and bludgeoning Muslim youth to death with swords and wooden clubs and setting fire to their homes and their properties forcing them to flee their villages. Thousands of Rohingyas fled their homes and sought refuge in Bangladesh, India, Thailand and Malaysia fearing the marauding terrorists and thousands have lost their lives while escaping by rickety boats, drowning and dying of hunger and disease as they tried to escape. Most of the refugees in alien countries are living in poor squalid conditions and long to come back to live in their own native villages. With all these happenings of oppression and repression meted out to the helpless Rohingyas wealthy and powerful Muslim countries have not risen up to condemn the autocratic Myanmar regime. As a first step Muslim countries should strongly register their protest, call back their respective ambassador home and reduce their embassy to just consular level. If this diplomatic offensive does not work, they must embark on trade embargo with Myanmar. We have the clout and the means to bring down this regime to their knees. Take a cue from the Danish products boycott by Muslim and Muslim nations in protest against the publication of some offensive caricatures of our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) in a Danish magazine sometime back. As a result the Danish government lost US$7 billion in trade. It is the fervent hope of all that the UN Human Right Commission and UNHCR do something to alleviate their sufferings and the OIC to take this matter up seriously with Myanmar government to rehabilitate the displaced Rohingyas back in their native villages and grant them citizenship so that they come to live side by side with majority Buddhists with peace and harmony.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:33:47 +0000

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