The Mystery A few select individuals have been informed of the - TopicsExpress


The Mystery A few select individuals have been informed of the nature of the elaborate scheme the Illuminati use to protect their central secret. It has been decided to afford others the same glimpse. No one has ever solved the clues without the intervention of Illuminati guides. In most cases, Illuminati guides will contact you only if you have taken a significant step towards the solution. On occasion, other candidates are selected if they have shown patience, resilience and genuine insight into the nature of the problem. It is often several years before candidates are contacted. The Threefold Enigma The many persecutions throughout history that the Illuminati have endured have, on several occasions, placed their secret in great danger of discovery by their enemies. The ruling council of the Illuminati long ago decided to devise a sophisticated puzzle to conceal their secret - the Holy Grail - but at the same time offer clues and hope to seekers. While most seekers are genuine, some are duplicitous and are sent by the enemy to infiltrate the Illuminati and attempt to steal or destroy the Grail. For this reason, the Illuminati must exercise the greatest caution. This is the text of a message that the Illuminati have sanctioned to be sent to a handful of seekers - six last year - who appeared to be of the right calibre to make meaningful headway with the enigma over the next few years. The Message I have been instructed to inform you of the following, which you may or may not find useful. Perhaps it will give you an insight into the complexity of the challenge facing you, and indeed all seekers. Many seekers appreciate that they are confronting an immense problem, but most fail to perceive just how deliberately elaborate it is. It is for you to make your choices as you see fit. There are three profound mysteries involved in the search for the Grail, two of which are fake and carefully designed to protect the real mystery. The two fake mysteries were formulated at the same time - by the ruling council - hundreds of years ago. The two fake mysteries are ingenious and each has a unique, convincing and sensational solution. The two fakes have more public clues than the real mystery i.e. the clues are easier to find, though they are by no means easy to solve. Each of the mysteries, including the real one, is allowed to evolve in the sense that additional clues can be provided at any time, particularly by way of stories and paintings. But false clues are also laid. There are intersection points between the three mysteries: certain key facts that all three have in common. Even if a seeker has become entrapped in one of the fake mysteries (both of which are as highly compelling as the real mystery), he will still have opportunities to switch to the real mystery if he makes the right choice at an intersection point. He will make the right choice only if he has the strength to abandon all of the work he has performed on either of the fake mysteries. This, in fact, is part of the test. Virtually no one makes the right choice because abandoning years of hard work is simply too difficult for most to contemplate, especially when they believe they have been making good progress. There is another trap: it is possible to move from one fake mystery to the other fake mystery, bypassing the true mystery. Several seekers have encountered this misfortune. Anyone who makes significant progress on the real mystery will certainly be contacted, but must then undergo a long vetting process to ensure that they are not working for the enemy. The enemy has on two occasions come within one step of reaching the final stage of the real mystery. Preventing the enemy from accessing the final stage is paramount. Your current status is classified as follows: you are making notable headway with one of the fake mysteries. You have encountered material that can direct you to an intersection point, but you have not yet moved in the right direction. You are deemed to have all of the necessary skills and attributes to move forward, but others have possessed such skills and attributes yet remained stuck in fruitless pursuit of fake mysteries. The fake mysteries are highly seductive but nevertheless valueless. No one has yet solved the fake mysteries, and some may even find them more alluring than the real mystery since they have implications that are as mind boggling as that of the real mystery, but they have not one particle of genuine evidence to substantiate them and are entirely speculative. (Imagine a painting that points, in an arcane way, to a manufactured mystery. A seeker might imagine that if he solves the paintings code, he will advance closer to the truth. In fact, he has merely come closer to a false truth. But how would he know? That is always the dilemma.) The real mystery, on the other hand, is associated with indisputable evidence of its truth. If it did not have this evidence, it would long ago have been deemed unbelievable. I hope this information proves useful to you. It is hoped that you will enjoy the greatest of good fortune in your quest, and, if you do, you will be contacted. Im sorry that nothing more definite can be said at this time. It is true that a more active period has been entered and many clues may become visible within the next few years, from a number of different and often unexpected sources. People like you will be in the best position to find them, but you will also have to sift truth from deception, and it is in the nature of deception that it often comes in the most desirable forms, while the truth can be plain, unadorned and shunned. Again, we offer you the greatest of good fortune. You are assuredly correct that he who is not searching for the Grail will never find it. The Vatican Ban The English edition of the Vaticans newspaper made the following announcement: The Illuminati Zeitgeist How many people fully understand Zeitgeist? zeitgeistmovie/ Are you one of the seekers? From our Russian division from 1979 - Stalker by Tarkovsky. Can you cope with the setbacks on the path? Can you confront the enigma and remain undaunted? Can you enter the mysterious Zone and find the Grail? Hundreds of seekers have contacted us in recent months. Many of these candidates are highly promising, but we must emphasise that few are chosen. Do you have the qualities required? Several clues will appear from a number of apparently separate sources over the next few years. Can you find your way through the maze? Can you put the jigsaw together? The Soul Camera will dramatize the procedure that occurs when a seeker is recruited, and it will also reveal the perils that recruits face from the enemies of the Grail. 2013 Illumination Illumination - the worlds most ancient and secret religion. The Illuminati - the secret society that preserves Illumination. Illuminist/Illuminatist/Illuminatus - Member of the Illuminati. The Light in the Darkness The Illuminati has never numbered more than a few thousand members. A truly secret society cannot hope to retain its secrets if it reveals them to too many people. When the Illuminati attempts to spread its ideas to a wider audience, it does so via carefully chosen religions, organisations, secret societies and esoteric orders. These groups are often led by members of the Illuminati, but are not party to the core secrets of the Illuminati. They are given a flavour of the central ideas of Illumination, but are denied the complete picture. Even if these groups were to turn against the Illuminati, they would not be able to betray any primary secrets. The Illuminati have created the following movements in the course of history: Ancient Egyptian and Greek Mystery religions, Druidism, Mithraism, most versions of Gnosticism, Alchemy, Catharism (Albigensianism), the Knights Templar, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism. Illuminati teachings have appeared, albeit in distorted form, in Christianity, Kabbalah, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and many other religions. The religions furthest removed from Illumination are Islam, mainstream Judaism, and numerous Christian sects that have appeared since the Reformation. All religions based on faith rather than knowledge are contrary to Illumination. All religions that do not teach reincarnation are contrary to Illumination. All religions that posit a benign creator of the earth are contrary to Illumination. All religions that place humanity in an automatically degraded state in relation to divine reality are contrary to Illumination. Men and women are not afflicted by original sin. They are not guilty from the moment they are born as some religions would contend. They are not condemned by the sins of others (e.g. Adam and Eve). They are not subject to Christian predestination. They are not subject to Karma. The essence of Illumination lies in the word Becoming. Religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam are based on Being. Those who understand the difference between being and becoming will start to see how Illumination offers a radically different worldview, one that is utterly breathtaking in the opportunities it offers to humanity. But most people are not susceptible to the message of Illumination. The following words are by Nietzsche, but they could equally well be written by the Illuminati: The conditions under which one understands me and then necessarily understands - I know them all too well. One must be honest in intellectual matters to the point of harshness to so much as endure my seriousness, my passion. One must be accustomed to living on mountains - to seeing the wretched ephemeral chatter of politics and national egoism beneath one. One must have become indifferent, one must never ask whether truth is useful or a fatality…Strength which prefers questions for which no one today is sufficiently daring; courage for the forbidden; predestination for the labyrinth. An experience out of seven solitudes. New ears for new music. New eyes for the most distant things. A new conscience for truths which have hitherto remained dumb. Illumination is not a religion for those who wish to debase themselves before a debased God. No God would tolerate kneeling and bowing masses, murmuring hordes of obedient, frightened slaves. Is God your friend or a tyrant? Why would you kneel to a friend? Would a friend ever ask that of you? Humanity can never be free until it recognises its true relationship to divinity, and that is not one of master and slave. If you venture into a church, a mosque or a synagogue you will be in no doubt that you are amongst slaves and that they worship a God who is their absolute master. They are abject before him. Such a God is drunk on his own power and vanity. He craves obedience. He despises those who think for themselves. Such a God is no God at all. Such a God is Satan. Over the next few weeks and months, we will reveal the astounding difference between a God of Being - Satan - and a God of Becoming - the True God. The first offers you only slavery. The latter offers you the highest possible reward. Not merely salvation, but something that most people can barely comprehend: the ultimate Holy Grail. ***** Temple of Mithras, Northumberland, England Mithras Temple
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 15:25:43 +0000

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