The Mystery of GOD | Where is YHWH [The LORD, The Living GOD] and - TopicsExpress


The Mystery of GOD | Where is YHWH [The LORD, The Living GOD] and His Christ [Jesus, The Living Son of GOD, The TRUE Nazarene]? (26.4) 1:4.2 The physical bodies are “the Temples of God.” Jeremiah 8:19 Listen to the cry of my people from a land far away: Is The LORD not in Zion? Is her King no longer there? Why have they aroused My anger with their images, with their worthless foreign idols? Ezekiel 48:35 World English Bible - YHWH is There | Jubilee Bible 2000 - The LORD is Here. https://youtube/watch?v=CoFSpoAbXLc TIME-SPACE- IMAGE-SHADOW (1351.2) 122:7.6 Bright and early the morning of August 19 7 B.C., Joseph and Mary were again on their way. They partook of their noontide meal at the foot of Mount Sartaba, overlooking the Jordan valley, and journeyed on, making Jericho for the night, where they stopped at an inn on the highway in the outskirts of the city. Following the evening meal and after much discussion concerning the oppressiveness of Roman rule, Herod, the census enrollment, and the comparative influence of Jerusalem and Alexandria as centers of Jewish learning and culture, the Nazareth travelers retired for the night’s rest. Early in the morning of August 20 they resumed their journey, reaching Jerusalem before noon, visiting the temple, and going on to their destination, arriving at Bethlehem in midafternoon. (1351.3) 122:7.7 The inn was overcrowded, and Joseph accordingly sought lodgings with distant relatives, but every room in Bethlehem was filled to overflowing. On returning to the courtyard of the inn, he was informed that the caravan stables, hewn out of the side of the rock and situated just below the inn, had been cleared of animals and cleaned up for the reception of lodgers. Leaving the donkey in the courtyard, Joseph shouldered their bags of clothing and provisions and with Mary descended the stone steps to their lodgings below. They found themselves located in what had been a grain storage room to the front of the stalls and mangers. Tent curtains had been hung, and they counted themselves fortunate to have such comfortable quarters. (1351.4) 122:7.8 Joseph had thought to go out at once and enroll, but Mary was weary; she was considerably distressed and besought him to remain by her side, which he did. The Birth of Jesus | (1351.5) 122:8.1 All that night Mary was restless so that neither of them slept much. By the break of day the pangs of childbirth were well in evidence, and at noon, August 21, 7 B.C., with the help and kind ministrations of women fellow travelers, Mary was delivered of a male child. Jesus of Nazareth was born into the world, was wrapped in the clothes which Mary had brought along for such a possible contingency, and laid in a near-by manger. The Mystery of God | (26.3) 1:4.1 The infinity of the perfection of God is such that it eternally constitutes him mystery. And the greatest of all the unfathomable mysteries of God is the phenomenon of the divine indwelling of mortal minds. The manner in which the Universal Father sojourns with the creatures of time is the most profound of all universe mysteries; the divine presence in the mind of man is the mystery of mysteries. (26.4) 1:4.2 The physical bodies of mortals are “the temples of God.” Notwithstanding that the Sovereign Creator Sons come near the creatures of their inhabited worlds and “draw all men to themselves”; though they “stand at the door” of consciousness “and knock” and delight to come in to all who will “open the doors of their hearts”; although there does exist this intimate personal communion between the Creator Sons and their mortal creatures, nevertheless, mortal men have something from God himself which actually dwells within them; their bodies are the temples thereof. (26.7) 1:4.5 The divine mystery consists in the inherent difference which exists between the finite and the infinite, the temporal and the eternal, the time-space creature and the Universal Creator, the material and the spiritual, the imperfection of man and the perfection of Paradise Deity. The God of universal love unfailingly manifests himself to every one of his creatures up to the fullness of that creature’s capacity to spiritually grasp the qualities of divine truth, beauty, and goodness. (27.1) 1:4.6 To every spirit being and to every mortal creature in every sphere and on every world of the universe of universes, the Universal Father reveals all of his gracious and divine self that can be discerned or comprehended by such spirit beings and by such mortal creatures. God is no respecter of persons, either spiritual or material. The divine presence which any child of the universe enjoys at any given moment is limited only by the capacity of such a creature to receive and to discern the spirit actualities of the supermaterial world. (27.2) 1:4.7 As a reality in human spiritual experience God is not a mystery. But when an attempt is made to make plain the realities of the spirit world to the physical minds of the material order, mystery appears: mysteries so subtle and so profound that only the faith-grasp of the God-knowing mortal can achieve the philosophic miracle of the recognition of the Infinite by the finite, the discernment of the eternal God by the evolving mortals of the material worlds of time and space. (32.1) 1:7.9 Testimony by a Divine Counselor (26.5) 1:4.3 When you are through down here, when your course has been run in temporary form on earth, when your trial trip in the flesh is finished, when the dust that composes the mortal tabernacle “returns to the earth whence it came”; then, it is revealed, the indwelling “Spirit shall return to God who gave it.” There sojourns within each moral being of this planet a fragment of God, a part and parcel of divinity. It is not yet yours by right of possession, but it is designedly intended to be one with you if you survive the mortal existence. (26.6) 1:4.4 We are constantly confronted with this mystery of God; we are nonplused by the increasing unfolding of the endless panorama of the truth of his infinite goodness, endless mercy, matchless wisdom, and superb character. The Urantia Book – Paper 34, section 6, para 4 Spiritual forces unerringly seek and attain their own original levels. Having gone out from the Eternal, they are certain to return thereto, bringing with them all those children of time and space who have espoused the leading and teaching of the indwelling Adjuster, those who have been truly “born of the Spirit,” the faith sons of God. Matthew 12:30 Said Jesus: Anyone who isnt with Me opposes Me, and anyone who isnt working with Me is actually working against Me. OUR [R] FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN ... YOUR KINGDOM COME, YOUR WILL BE DONE. (1065.6) 97:4.3 POINTING A REPROVING AND ACCUSING FINGER TO ALL THE HATERS | Isaiah 10:17 The Light of Israel will become a Fire, their Holy One a Flame. (45.1) 3:1.3 The Father’s presence unceasingly patrols the master universe. “His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit to the ends of it; and there is nothing hidden from the light thereof.” Isaiah 30:27 See, The Name of the LORD comes from afar, with burning anger and dense clouds of smoke; His lips are full of wrath, and His tongue is a consuming Fire. Isaiah 66:15 For behold, The LORD [YHWH] will come in Fire And His Chariots like the whirlwind, To render His anger with Fury, And His Rebuke with Flames of Fire. 16 For The LORD will execute judgment by Fire And by His Sword on all flesh, And those slain by The LORD will be many. https://youtube/watch?v=I9iKjJt_nBU (1730.6) 155:6.2 My Father is no respecter of Races or Generations in that The Word of Truth is vouchsafed one age and withheld from another. | Psalm 78:56 But they put GOD to the test and rebelled against The Highest ONE [The Most High]; they did not keep His statutes. Exodus 3:14 I AM WHO I AM [Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh]. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you. Exodus 6:2 2 I AM The LORD; 3 I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as EL-Shaddai--God Almighty [Al-Aziz]--but I did not Reveal My Name, YAHWEH [YHWH], to them. Exodus 34:5 Then The LORD came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed His Name, YHWH [The LORD]. Exodus 19:18 The LORD [YHWH] descended on it in Fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled violently.Exodus 24:10 and they saw The GOD of Israel; Jeremiah 11:17 The LORD Almighty, who planted you, has decreed disaster for you, because the people of both Israel and Judah have done evil and aroused my anger by burning incense to Baal [parasite human-gods/gods of gold and silver, of bronze, iron, wood and stone]. https://youtube/watch?v=wbT4fQHdj44 | https://youtube/watch?v=CT3XJVP-MAA
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 04:45:45 +0000

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