The N.A.L.L. Experience To fully grasp how life changing of an - TopicsExpress


The N.A.L.L. Experience To fully grasp how life changing of an experience it is to study under Nall, one would have to do just that. Any attempt to encompass everything in writing or likewise that of which an open-minded apprentice learns while at the N.A.L.L. would be futile. There is simply too much knowledge, too many techniques, life lessons, and spirituality surrounding an experience as an apprentice that one could accurately portray. It is an experience I will never forget. From first working in Fairhope, Alabama and then in Vence, France and Monaco, my life changed very quickly and for the better. Upon meeting Nall, it was clear I was studying under a master artist and a professional in every sense of the word. Punctuality, organization, and honesty are virtues he holds steadfast and seeks to instill in every apprentice that comes to the N.A.L.L. One of the first ventures Nall lead me through was transporting and hanging a show in Birmingham, Alabama. Here, I learned how to wrap and transport artwork safely and efficiently while staying on a tight schedule. Once at the venue, Nall insisted on hanging the show himself with help from me and a friend. Hes not the kind of artist to just hang artwork haphazardly. To him, the entire show is a composition within a composition. From doing this, I realized the importance of following a project through to its completion and seeing that a specific vision is carried out. During the show, I had the opportunity to sell six pieces of his art, which gave me the experience of grabbing potential clients attention and enveloping them in the history, style and mystique that is Nalls work. Once we set to leave for Vence, the life lessons continued through traveling internationally; which was a first for me. A world traveler for more than forty years, Nall gracefully navigated through terminals and shuttles, sharing stories and advice along the way. Upon arriving to the Nice airport, we were greeted by an ecstatic welcome party of Tip and Biscuit. Dieter, a resident of the N.A.L.L., drove us to Vence, all the while Nall pointing out road signs and landmarks. Within hours of arriving, Nall drove us both to the inauguration of his Japanese Magnolia installation in Monaco. HSH Prince Albert II arrived shortly after for a photo op. Nall graciously invited me over and introduced me to the Prince, an experience I will always remember. This was my first introduction into a summer full of conversing with members of the highest socio-economic ranking. That is only one of many experiences the N.A.L.L. offers that cannot be found in any other apprenticeship or university education. One of our first projects was restoring the plantlife at the Foundation to its proper condition. This involved extensive gardening, tree and hedge trimming, grass cutting, pruning, among other things. There is a vast abundance of plant life at the N.A.L.L., and I was taught to care for each and every plant. I was taught to relate the gardening, specifically weeding plant beds, to my own spiritual life. I experienced a relationship between the spiritual life and everything that I did. I finally made the connection that everything we do in life affects our spiritual life; something that comes only from working with a master bent on leading others into a more spiritual life. Another rare gem apprentices like myself are given, is the opportunity to not only work in a masters studio, but to have him selflessly share his discoveries, techniques, and vision while working with him. Together, we mosaiced, framed, painted, built, revised, criticed, and brainstormed. I was given the priceless chance to learn from Nalls past trail and errors without having to do so in my own career. From our structure and composition lessons and watercolor lessons, to working from the model, my eyes were opened to wonderful details I had never seen previously, and thus, I am blind no more. Traveling in a foreign country poses a great challenge, one that Nall helps his students overcome. From driving the Foundation vehicles, to buses, metros, trains, and planes I now have the experience of traveling internationally safely and effectively. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to visit Venice and Paris during the summer and practice using the metros, buses, and planes. For artists, seeing San Marco, the Louvre, and Versailles, among many other things, is a dream come true. Most importantly, Nall instilles healthy lifestyle choices in each apprentice. This includes yoga and meditation techniques from India, holding twelve step meetings at the Foundation, and eating healthy. We cooked a large majority of our meals at the N.A.L.L., learning to use only fresh ingredients for a wholesome and healthy diet. We also used fresh herbs and spices, most of which grow right outside of the kitchen. From rosemary tea to risotto, various spaghetties, pasta dishes and salads, I learned how to cook delicious, healthy, and wholesome meals. The connection of a healthy mind and healthy body is another of the priceless lessons learned at the N.A.L.L. It is impossible to encompass everything I have learned while at the N.A.L.L. Words cannot convey with sufficient depth and precision the priceless spiritual discoveries and experiences I have had during my apprenticeship. I feel indebted greatly, and know that I must give back what I have so freely been given. I humbly pray that what I have learned and discovered here will extend far beyond my mortal end and into the lives of others. At the N.A.L.L., I found truth. I learned to see. I found a deeper relationship with my higher power. I became a little more conscious. For that, I am eternally grateful. Sincerely, Clay Greer 2014 Clay Greer (256) 404-4056
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 14:20:33 +0000

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