The NBA commentators said we (referring to America is my best - TopicsExpress


The NBA commentators said we (referring to America is my best guess) need to get the medical care for our veterans straight. Than they said something to the affect that its embarrassing we (referring to America again) cannot take care of our vets. I think these guys could run the country much better than our current administration. It saddens me that veterans are being left to die and also that suicide rates continue to skyrocket. Only my real friends would be able to understand my frustration. You may be born an American by birth, but this does not mean you are entitled to the rights that are currently bestowed upon you. At any moment those rights can be taken away from you completely, but as long as we have veterans who are willing to lay down their lives in order to secure our liberties than I think you will be okay, or at least to some extent. Be grateful for what you didnt have to fight for. Freedom is a gift. Memorial Day is almost over, but my gratitude for the fallen will be as strong tomorrow as it was today and I hope yours will be too. The thing that has always irked me the most about the online fitness community is the intense focus on me and I. I do what I do, because I want to be a positive influence on YOU!! I am NOT a fortunate son. I didnt come from a family with a lot of money and go straight to college from high school. I had to fight for everything I have. Everything! I started by enlisting in the Army at 17. I sometimes wonder what my life would have been like had I never joined the Army or went to war, but I decided I didnt want to grow old having my life be all about living within my comfort zone (i.e. school, college, family, the end). I wanted to be known as someone who deeply cared for others and was willing to do whatever he could to help others along my path. I can only hope that most Americans can respect this. Also, I am not alone. Many men and women in uniform feel the exact way I do. So you can squat 500, 600, or 700 plus? I could care less if your sole purpose is to place yourself up on a pedestal and disregard those who not only look up to you, but have reached out for your help. Lastly, putting down others in order to lift yourself up is plain childish. Just something I have seen happening quite a lot lately. YouTube gets on my nerves. Everyone on there seems to want to get recognition and are willing to go to great lengths to get it. This mentality is completely opposite that of a soldier. I think I had 100 Facebook friends when I was in the Army, but every friend I had would send me care packages and letters when I was serving in Iraq and I never got the chance to thank every one of them individually, because before redeploying home from Iraq I decided I never wanted to remember a single thing about my time spent in Iraq and I either burned or trashed everything. Everything!!! Too bad you cant run from your past like that. Or at least it didnt work for me, but hey Im here and I couldnt be more thankful for the people who support and love me. Hopefully this has been helpful for someone. Goodnight guys! đŸ’ȘđŸ’ȘđŸ’Ș
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 02:58:43 +0000

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