The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has Democrats cheering this - TopicsExpress


The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has Democrats cheering this morning. We’re certain that the headlines from the poll have sent shock waves through the GOP. No doubt, some are contemplating surrender during the current shutdown fight. Not so fast. The internals of that poll indicate that things might not be as ominous for Republicans as the headlines would have us believe. Here are some things you should know about the poll. 1. 14% of the respondents aren’t even registered to vote We think it’s safe to say that the Republicans won’t pay a political price from people who can’t vote. 2. The Obama voters in that poll exceed the Romney voters by 9% We don’t mean to go all “unskewed polls” on you (because we saw how well that worked in 2012), but this is significant. President Obama won the popular vote by 4%. Shouldn’t an accurate poll have a partisan breakdown similar to the most recent Presidential election? 3. 5% of the respondents don’t know even know who they voted for in 2012 No, really. A full 5% of the respondents don’t even remember which candidate they selected just 11 months ago. 4. The news about ObamaCare’s popularity are greatly exaggerated One thing that liberals are cheering about from this poll is that it seems as though the President’s health care law seems to be more popular since the shutdown than it was before the shutdown. Only 31% approved of ObamaCare in September, but now 38% approve of it. Game, set, and match for the Democrats, right? Not quite. The ObamaCare approval rating stands at 38% today. It was at 37% in June of this year. That’s just one point lower than it is now. It was even higher in July of 2012. Finally: Is a 38% approval rating something that liberals want to brag about? 5. The Republicans still have history on their side The Republicans took a beating in the polls during the 1995-1996 shutdown. But guess what? In the 1996 election, the Republicans kept both houses of Congress. In fact, they gained seats in the Senate.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 06:33:18 +0000

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