The NFL\NCAA hey you can murder 2 people voluntary Ray Lewis - TopicsExpress


The NFL\NCAA hey you can murder 2 people voluntary Ray Lewis suspended for season, knock your fiancee out cold Ray Rice 2 games, Drunk drive and take lives Josh Brent 10 games, Be a federally indicted drug trafficker Jerome Simpson 4 games, But dont pop a molly or smoke weed your ass is grass for 1 year. Roger Goodell is the biggest joke in the history of commissioners. Colligiate sports have a history of incidents even more consistent than the NFL. Rape that was swept under the rug and still not serve full suspension Penn State. Numerous conflicts with star players accused of rape and violent crimes in all conferences. As long as people are buying tickets and the coaches, owners, @ school presidents will continue to be millionaires. Colleges make millions from major athletics. They help star athletes through school just so your eligible for the season. People taking calligraphy, relaxation techniques (yes this is a class), and basket weaving in the summer to regain eligibility. Hey if your good enough you can be eligible for 5 years and not even carry a 1.0 GPA. Who is getting robbed the player or school. Football is a sport where they train players to be aggressive and violent on all levels then they are surprised when there is a incident when one player forgets there not between the lines on the field and does something. I witnessed in college a player get black balled by the coaching staff due to dealing with the death of his father/mother. Coaches screening information from players about family situations at home to keep them focused on games. All Im saying is there are a lot of people who hold the blame for these actions nor just the individual. They preach responsibility but what kind of a lead are you following when they fail to be responsible, truthful, or compassionate. Ill Im saying is its all a business so get paid cause they are.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 11:31:36 +0000

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