The NJ State Police recently released state-wide crime data and - TopicsExpress


The NJ State Police recently released state-wide crime data and the results for Carteret are greatly encouraging. The numbers compared the frequency of various types of criminal activity, including burglary, assault, and robbery, from January – September 2013 to the same time period in 2014. In that time period, the borough saw: • 21.7% reduction in robberies • 11.1% reduction in assault • 38.1% reduction in motor vehicle theft • 18.9% reduction in forcible entry • 18.6% reduction in larceny theft In addition to the current YTD reduction in crime of 16.3%, the New Jersey State Police Crime Report shows the borough saw a 3.1% reduction in crime from 2013 over 2012, and a 19.4% reduction from 2014 over 2012. While any crime is a concern, and there is always more to be done, I am very encouraged by this state police report showing a significant improvement. Our comprehensive approach to fighting and preventing crime has begun to show serious results, and the Carteret Police Department will continue to work tirelessly in these efforts. From putting more cops in uniform and on the street, to strengthening our Neighborhood Watch Program, and from increasing lighting and camera systems, to adding surveillance in high-risk areas, the police department will work with residents and any interested party to improve Carteret. In the past two years alone, the borough has added 19 special law enforcement officers, including former military and retired police officers who can focus on routine patrol and motor vehicle enforcement, which allows the full-time officers to focus on crime prevention. By order of the mayor, the police department also significantly increased the minimum level of staffing to ensure adequate police presence 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Let’s keep moving forward! Whether Shopping in Carteret or at any of the regional shopping malls in the area take note and share these holiday safety tips: •When parking your vehicle to go shopping, remember where you parked it! Always park in a well-lit and well-traveled area. Do not park in a remote dark area. •When you return to your vehicle, look in the interior of your car to be sure no one is hiding inside. Check to see if you are being followed. •Have your keys in hand when approaching your vehicle. You will be ready to unlock the door and will not be delayed by fumbling and looking for your keys. •When storing items purchased at the stores, place them out of sight. The best place is in a locked trunk. •Do not leave your purse, wallet, cell phone or laptop in plain view. •Dont resist if someone tries to take any of your belongings. Dont chase someone who robs you, they may have a weapon. Instead call 911. •Lock your vehicle and put up your windows even while you are driving. •If you go to an ATM for cash, check for people around and make sure it is well lit and in a safe location. •Carry only the credit cards you need and avoid carrying large amounts of cash. •If you make a purchase with your credit card, be sure to obtain the carbons or additional receipts or see that they are destroyed in front of you. •Beware of the a good deal scams. Things are not always what they appear to be. •If you are purchasing toys for small children, be sure that they are safe. You will be surprised what a small child can swallow or what can injure them. •Drive defensively. Traffic is heavier during the holidays. Drivers may also have indulged in too much holiday spirits. •Make sure you require a signature for any packages you are having delivered, or have them placed in a discrete location
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:46:59 +0000

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