The #NRM 29th Victory day celebrations will be held on the 26th - TopicsExpress


The #NRM 29th Victory day celebrations will be held on the 26th January 2015 in Soroti town Boma Grounds. The chief Guest will be President Yoweri Museveni and the celebrations will begin at 7.00am. This year’s theme is steady and Sustainable Transformation of Uganda: NRM’S Core Mission. This Transformation envisages the Uganda of tomorrow to be fundamentally better from that of yester years and even of today. It envisages Uganda to have transformed from a predominantly subsistence, economy to an industrial - based one with a wide market both internal and external, for her products enriched through value – addition. According to a research carried out during the preparation of the Uganda Vision 2040, which is a very critical guide to the roadmap of Uganda’s development in the next three decades, Ugandans indicated the following key aspirations for their country:- • Living in a peaceful secure, harmonious and stable country at peace with their neighbors, where the rule of law prevails and fundamental human rights are strictly observed. • Having a corruption - free nation with strong democratic structures and systems empowered to be in charge of their (Ugandans) destiny. • Having Unity in diversity among themselves, sharing equally all opportunities that the country offers and have inclusive development. • Uganda being an active part of a strong East African Community. • Having equal access to affordable quality health and education services in order to create a healthy literate and well informed society in well planned and clear settlements with access to all social amenities. • Having modern infrastructure especially technology, and constant supply of electricity to facilitate industrialization and protection of the environment. • Having a highly moral and ethical society at liberty to profess and practice their Ugandan customs, cultures (especially progressive cultures) religions Closely examined, these aspirations expressed by Ugandans, tie up very neatly with NRM Ten-Point Programme (now expanded to fifteen) that was conceived by the NRM which is people - based and was born out of the historical realities of the country and it has had sustained, focused, visionary and realistic leadership. An unbiased examination of the developments in Uganda during the last twenty nine years - the years of NRM administration of Uganda since 1986, reveals that NRM has not been wanting both in commitment to and actualization of the desired Transformation. And this is to say the least. A close look at a few indicators of development certainly proves the point: • Peace security and stability Although security and peace are not quantifiable like electricity we only see their effects on society, Ugandans can comfortably and proudly say that there is no period of time before or during the colonial as well as post independence period prior to 1986 when the entire country enjoyed complete peace and security as she is doing now. Good governance. NRM gave to Ugandans the power of directly electing their leaders that they had been robbed of for close to a century. As of now Uganda has a strong force of elected leadership from the villages to the very top numbering more than a million leaders. This is indeed a formidable foundation! The Economy: Besides the gigantic steps in establishing security and democracy as shown above Ugandan’s economic performance under the NRM Administration since 1986 has been outstanding. It gives hope for the required Economic Transformation. It gives people confidence in NRM, the main builders of the Transformation. The economy that has sustained a growth rate of 7.2% per annum for the last 25 or so years is rated among the highest in Sub-Saharan Africa. Social Transformation: The improvement of the performance of the economy is impacting quite positively on the living conditions of Ugandans. A survey conducted by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics in 2010 revealed that Ugandans living in houses roofed with iron sheets had risen to 62% up from less than 30% in 1986, in brick walled houses was 57% up from 16% in 1992, houses with cemented floor had risen to 27% up from 7% in 1992. The share of population with access to electricity has risen from 3% in urban areas in 1986 to 14% in 2013 and from 0% in rural areas 1986 to 7% in 2013 that of clean and safe water from 10% and 0% in Urban and rural areas in 1986 to 73% and 51% respectively now. In conclusion, this rosy picture of Uganda’s developments, much as it brings joy and pride to us all, is not the full Transformation. Transformation is a process, very often evolutionary in nature, and takes time to build. The gratifying thing is that we are already at a take off stage, and in the NRM, the nation has got experienced, patriotic and committed builders who have already laid a very strong foundation for this Transformation. WISHING YOU HAPPY, FRUITFUL AND A PROSPERIOUS HAPPY NEW YEAR-2015 Hon. Muruli Mukasa MINISTER FOR SECURITY /MP BUDYEBO COUNTY/HOLDING PORTFOLIO OF MINISTER FOR PRESIDENCY/KCCA
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 10:20:43 +0000

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