The Nation Editorial » Stephen Davis’ charges Boko Haram: - TopicsExpress


The Nation Editorial » Stephen Davis’ charges Boko Haram: The naming of Sheriff, Ihejirika and a shadowy CBN official should not be taken lightly We cannot dismiss these allegations merely by making press statements or assuring Nigerians of investigations or by solemn declarations about official aversion to terrorism. The charges now in the air from the lips of Stephen Davis, a hostage negotiator for the release of the over 200 kidnapped Chibok girls, are serious and hint at the level of high-powered backing of the infectious sect, Boko Haram. The charges, in their gravity, are simple. One, former governor of Borno State, Ali Modu Sheriff, was accused of being a long-term sponsor of the sect. Two, former chief of army staff, retired Lt.-General Azubuike Ihejirika was accused of also another sponsor. The third charge is laid at a shadowy individual described as a top official of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Davis shied away from naming the CBN official. Davis stakes his claim on his familiarity with the Boko Haram sect, especially in negotiations for the release of the beleaguered Chibok girls. His bona fides are also stressed by his work with two successive Nigerian presidencies, Olusegun Obasanjo’s and Umaru Yar’Adua’s. He has also established strong links with al-Qaeda cells, up to three of them, around Africa. He is an Australian, and holds a PhD in political geography. Above all, he has gained the trust of the militants and governments in Africa, and he has leveraged this credential in raising the stakes of his activity in the topsy-turvy terrain of the religious zealots. When he issued those charges, he said he was a negotiator working at the behest of the Jonathan presidency. This led to a flurry of furious arguments from Nigerians, politicians, journalists and human rights activists. Both Sheriff and Ihejirika have denied the charges. The charge against Sheriff is not new. In fact, he ignited partisan furies when the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) called the All Progressives Congress (APC) a Boko Haram sponsor on the strength of Sheriff’s membership. Sheriff has now moved to the PDP. With the Davis allegations, the ruling party is at the butt of the same charges. Ihejirika’s charge is curious because he was a point man as army chief in the war against terror. How come his name has popped up in this awful conversation? Marilyn Ogar, the spokesperson of the Department of State Security (DSS) has denied that Davis was running an errand for the President. She has also denied that Ihejirika has any link with the terror group, while reaffirming the common knowledge that Sheriff has been quizzed a few times by the nation’s intelligence agency, the State Security Service (SSS). We cannot say that Davis has all the facts unless we see them. So, it will be foolhardy and presumptuous to believe the words of the Australian simply because of his biography. For the same reasons, we cannot ignore them. He is clearly in the position to know, and he has staked his life and name in his personal journeys into the lairs of the dangerous humans. He is also no loafer having bagged a PhD. He is also a Christian cleric, which is antipodal to the world views of the terrorist. He apparently has no happy stake in the success of terror. We also wonder if he was specific in the case of Sheriff and Ihejirika, why was he nebulous on the matter of the CBN high roller? The other reason we cannot ignore the charges is that by accusing the former army chief, his points a specific finger at the door step of President Goodluck Jonathan. Ogar has said that the allegations seek to devalue the service of the former army chief who laid his life for his country. Her point is well taken, but that does not stop us from raising questions. So, where is Davis’ evidence that the army chief helped fuel the escalation of the enemy’s fire power? Ogar also denied that a top sponsor was related to at least two of the nabbed Nyanya bombers. If that is true, where are Davis’ counter facts? Or is Ogar fibbing? The Stephen Davis charges touch three sensitive institutions. With the charge of Sheriif, it stalks the executive and potentially compromises governance. On Ihejirika, it nudges the military. With the shadowy CBN official, the infrastructure of money is tainted. If these charges are true, then it means that Nigeria is helping the enemy through its high rollers. Some quarters have argued that the history of Boko Haram leaves no institution innocent. First, it seemed only southerners and Christians were victims. Later, it alleged collaborating Muslims. Then, emirs and Muslim clerics and anybody became victims. The narrative has also taken on regionalist and ethnic accusations. Those in the inner sanctum of the Jonathan administration as well as its supporters have seen the insurgency as a political move to besiege the Jonathan presidency. They argue that a northern oligarchy unhappy to cede power did not want President Jonathan to succeed. They have also cited some statements from northern henchmen as evidence. But the northerners say the Jonathan administration has been encouraging the insurgency. This, they argue, is orchestrated to gain sympathy for the government. It is in that context that some have placed the charge against his former chief of army staff. President Jonathan himself had said in the past that Boko Haram has moles in his government. Who are they? Does Davis know them? Or is he working on inconclusive evidence? We cannot find this out by simply asking our government to investigate it. We cannot trust the Nigerian institutions on this matter for three reasons. One, the administration’s innocence has been impugned by the allegations. Two, because of the tentacles of Boko Haram, the investigations could be compromised by the working of fifth columnists within our institutions. The third point is that terror has morphed into an international network, and the best way to unravel its seedy dynamics is to internationalise its investigation. We therefore support those who want this matter to be taken to the International Criminal Court. We believe that it will help bring out some of the shadowy information since top Nigerians may be involved in the operations of the sect. These allegations are too serious to be left in the realm of speculations. Boko Haram is waxing stronger and our soldiers are looking weak as the insurgents take territory after territory in the northeast. It is not important whether Davis is working as an independent or at the behest of the Jonathan administration. The allegations are grave. The deaths and fall of northern towns are also grave. Our corporate security and prosperity are in danger. We should do the right thing and save this country from the barbarous hordes and their sponsors, whoever and wherever they are.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 10:55:42 +0000

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