The Nation Is Bound To Be Poor! The nation is bound to be poor. A - TopicsExpress


The Nation Is Bound To Be Poor! The nation is bound to be poor. A nation that consumes virtually all its needs and produce none! A nation that buys all and refuse to sell! A nation that favours importation and over exportation! Oh, they say they do sell; export raw materials and they import finished goods. It imports from far distance to the impoverishment of its people. By this, double tragedy it suffers, it throws its own labour force to the street and yet it ensures full employment of foreign nations. A nation that encourages foreign companies an uncontested route into its market and ties the productive hands of its own! The leader waste money in shouting use home made goods when they themselves do not use one even till tooth picks! Its productive minds are not encouraged, yet they shout brain drain is their problem. They rejoice in an ineffective growth; as if their teacher did not teach them that growth rate below inflation rate is an ineffective growth. Yet the shout they wonder why such growth rate does not lead to employment generation. As if they were not taught that it is only an effective economic growth can lead to substantial employment generation. The nation is a community of “Eskimos”, yet it import “ice” with adverse effect that almost grounded its economy. The nation is ruled by the visionless without any clue of direction. Competence is salvaged on the altar of favouritism. They have all it takes to become great but are satisfied when it benefits few in government to the detriment of its majority. Dumb leaders they have; a retarding nation is their pride. Foluso Gade (08031541770) E-mail; flogade04@gmail.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:38:10 +0000

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