The National Alliance party of president Uhuru Kenyatta paid over - TopicsExpress


The National Alliance party of president Uhuru Kenyatta paid over sh100 million that was stashed in a secret Equity Bank account to journalists who covered the last elections. The revelation came as the party commissioned an internal audit of its accounts after the last elections after allegations that over sh60 million was missing. An audit report by Orwa & Co, revealed that Sh111.4 million that was at TNA’s Equity Bank account could have been misappropriated. The account is said to have been operated exclusively by Uhuru’s very close associates and not the official TNA party officers- the likes of Secretary General Onyango Oloo. The Equity account is said to have been managed by Winnie Guchu, who worked for IIEBC before joining TNA. Unconfirmed sources also claim that it is the Equity Bank account, because of the ‘jua kali’ manner in which it was being managed, that TNA used to buy IEBC officials, including Chairman Isaac Hassan and James Oswago as well as former Judiciary Registrar Gladys Shollei. The names of prominent journalists, both TV and Radio presenters came up after a Nairobi based newspaper investigated the issue further. The said journalists have since denied receiving such cash, amounting into millions of shillings. During the last polls, CORD coalition many occasions over biased coverage. At some point, CORD leader Raila Odinga revealed that he had been given blackout by leading local media houses, only to get airtime from international organizations. The Equity account, according to the Audit firm of Orwa & Company Associates, was managed clandestinely without proper documentation. It is the first time that what has been a popular belief that most Mt Kenya Mafia institutions were used to rig Uhuru into power. In a new twist, TNA Chairman Johnsone Sakaja has poured cold water on the sh60 million that the audit firm confirmed ‘missing’, dismissing calls by other party officials to invite the Ethics and Anti-corruption commission to investigate chances of financial impropriety at the party which is a public institution. On a lighter note, a neighbour’s jobless daughter who came ‘visiting’ in the spirit of ‘nyumba kumi’ and saw this draft wondered loudly: “Why are people concerned with diligent use of money whose initial source is fraudulent?” I concurred, left following up the story and ‘did other things’.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 17:44:31 +0000

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