The National question and the call for a sovereign national - TopicsExpress


The National question and the call for a sovereign national conference revolves around the reality and issues in our federation and the means to forge ahead, and brings to fore the need to accept the fact that there exist injustice, structural defects in the federation, fear of marginalization which all administrations has refused to acknowledge. The issues of the National Question and the call for Sovereign National Conference are all about proffering lasting solutions to this emerging cankerworm. It compasses how new ideals and principles towards living together can be worked out. While it is true to say that, there is no perfect or ideal federalism anywhere in the world. It suffice to say that the US model provide a better example for a semi- perfect federation that is based on truth, fair play, justice and equity. The situation in Nigeria, is the non acceptance by the central government in face of obvious reality our leader in past since independence have pretended not to acknowledge the truism of the situation and this has made all attempts at constitutional making a farce. It reminds us of the case where our leader tells us to listen to Moses but they go back dancing around the golden calf. Any one arguing the non relevance of the SNC in contemporary Nigeria accepts blindly the fact that our problems and issues of the National Question can be solved with a mere wave of the hand. It is submitted with respect that such thinking is anti- patriotic and sycophantic in appearance. In addition, they assert that these problems do not exist. Nigerians are willing to live together as one entity. Inspite of recent disintegrating manifestations, which has furthered threatened the fragile unity and the basis for one nation. The Biafra succession which lead to the civil war, the Adaka Boro revolution in the Port Harcourt areas, the recent Niger-Delta crisis and the Odua peoples congress (OPC) clash and ultimatum are painful reminders of the existence of the problems militating against the unity of the nation, which have put the continuity of the country as one in jeopardy are all indicators that there is the need to sit together and discuss the issues and problems of National Question which militate against national unity and stability. The cry for Sovereign National conference no matter by what name it is called have as their root, the need to iron out the basic grievances and it need bold honest solutions to get past this dilemma. There have been sheer and skillful manipulations of the real situation by successive government. Chief Odumegwu Ojukwu, the Biafran war lord once asked the salient question which successive Government have been unable to provide answer to, He asked who is a Nigerian? As of the time of writing this article, no proper definition has been proffered. We have refused to accept our unity in diversity and how to ensure that Nigerians of different ethnic background must not love one another to be able to work or live together, but it behoves on the government to convene a conference where the basic ideals for federating together will be discussed and agreed upon, a conference which will spell out the principles and duties of the federal government to the states/regions, the rights of a Nigerian or ethnic group, equality within the federal union and not the exhibition of double standard by the government. Simple as the question of defining who a Nigerian is appears on the surface, the answer lies the paradox on the present agitation and imminent threat to disintegration by various component units. Those clamoring for the addressing of the national question and proffering solutions are the patriots and should be seen as such. Nigerians must be able to operate a true federalism where the principles of derivation is adopted in the sharing of national wealth as it was done in the past before the discovery of black gold Oil. It is deemed injustice and unequitable to rob Peter to pay Paul. Nigerians must decide and agree on what the roles of the military will be in future, the powers and roles of the police force, the respect for human rights and the enforcement of the freedom enshrined for in the constitution, the implementation equitable of the federal character /zoning, the enthronement of meritocracy, the issues of statism and citizenship, the respect for the rule of law and the empowerment of the judiciary. It is submitted that as presently constituted, this problems cannot be tackled by the presently elected members of the houses of Representatives or Senate as that was not part of their mandate prior to their election. This argument is given credence by the fact that the 1999 election did not provide safeguards or solutions to these intractable problems of the National Question. The fact that members of the Federal Legislatures now elected were voted without an idea of what constitution they where to operate. They have no autochthonous representation from the people. It was a convenient way or means just to get rid of the military in the body politics of Nigeria. An independent body is needed with an agenda from their representatives. That independent body is without doubt should be the SNC to be constituted on the basis of ethnic and special interest representation and each delegate must present an agenda and opinion on certain issues like: Religion/Sharia, zoning, Resource allocation, citizenship, Military etc. Any one arguing the non relevance of the SNC in contemporary Nigeria accepts blindly the fact that our problems and issues of the National Question can be solved with a mere wave of the hand. It is submitted with respect that such thinking is anti- patriotic and sycophantic in appearance. In addition, they assert that these problems do not exist. Several well respected Nigeria writers and politicians have turned this issues into mere academic rhetoric good enough for seminar discussion or fit for a political science class, some have canvassed this views to elicit applause from sycophants and stooge that the SNC is outlived because of the May 1999 election or that the issues canvassed does no longer exist and can be resolved by the present elected legislatures. To the contrary, this is far from the truth unless Nigerians are willing to allow the country disintegrate. This highly volatile situations makes the countrys unity to rest on a time bomb and continuos tete-a tete by the government only helps to postpone the dooms day. When constituted the SNC will harmonize the divergent views of all Nigerians and the legislature and Executive will implement the solution by the SNC, the SNC blue print will provide direction, philosophy for good governance and what ideals and aspirations Nigerians expect from their federation. Finally, Nigerians should be given the opportunity to decide if they want to remain together as one country, if not what options is left. However, if they accept to stay together as one country as preponderance of view support, then on what basis, ideals and philosophy should they live together as one country? This is the issue no one wants to or willing to discuss or tackled and it is only the convened Sovereign National Conference can resolve this issues.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 07:44:20 +0000

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