The Nature of Sustainable Development, better known as Agenda 21, - TopicsExpress


The Nature of Sustainable Development, better known as Agenda 21, Which is a plan to kill off the majority of earths population, the taking over of all land and property, force the remaining people to live in concentrated areas, ending of sovereignty and individualism for the collective, the continuing dumbing down/ brainwashing of our children. Basically the end of life as we know it. These people believe earths resources are being sucked up because of over population. They believe that people of higher education and higher incomes are more of a threat to earths sustainability. Hence u have the deliberate dumbing down of America. (A book by Charlotte Iserbyt that talks about the systemic breaking down of education from a academic form to a conditioning.) In 95 Bush sign a document for the US that alone with other nations pleads to adopt the goals of Agenda 21, and Clinton sign an Executive Order that created the President’s Council on Sustainable Development in order to “harmonize” US environmental policy with UN directives as outlined in Agenda 21. Ebola didnt come from nowhere. In fact, the virus is patented by the US. They are positioning their pieces, Dont believe me? Heres a few quotes. “Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.” Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman, ICLEI. The Wildlands Project. “Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.” From the report from the 1976 UN’s Habitat I Conference. “We need a new collaborative decision process that leads to better decisions, more rapid change, and more sensible use of human, natural and financial resources in achieving our goals.” Report from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 16:16:54 +0000

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