The Nazi Ahnenerbe: Aryans, Aliens & Antarctica Admiral Byrd - TopicsExpress


The Nazi Ahnenerbe: Aryans, Aliens & Antarctica Admiral Byrd and Hollow Earth Theory: Proof of an Inner Earth? cryptid.hubpages/hub/Hollow-Earth-Theory-and-Admiral-Byrds-Flight-to-Agartha Admiral Byrd and the Hollow Earth: Hollow Earth Theory is an interesting hypothesis, one almost too amazing to get your mind around. There are those who believe that our planet holds a dark secret, witnessed by few and guarded by governments. The idea is equal parts absurd and fascinating, and has many supporters around the world. The secret they foster is one which says our world is actually hollow, and another society of beings lives inside. All we have known of this planet, all the history and science taught in schools and universities, is only a half truth. The real truth lies within. Imagine our planet to be like a bead. We live on the surface of the bead. The holes in the bead are the north and south poles. With the right transportation, one could travel straight through the bead (planet). Inside, strange and wonderful things exist, some beyond our imagination. Many Hollow Earth believers allege UFOs come from inside our planet, not another galaxy. They are vehicles piloted by inner-earth inhabitants, who make an appearance on our turf only occasionally. They come from a place where mammoths still roam, and glowing cities flourish. The Northern Lights are, in fact, reflections of those city lights off of the atmosphere. Sound kooky? Maybe, but Hollow Earth Theory has had its proponents throughout history, from ancient times up into the modern day. Surely 21st-century science can disprove such an inane notion. Given all we know of seismic waves, gravity, geology and the formation of planets, no credible evidence could possibly exist in favor of this whimsical concept. Yet many believe in the possibility, partly thanks to the diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd. Byrd’s alleged written testimony has bolstered Hollow Earth theory in recent decades, and lent some credibility to the concept. But is Byrds story true? Who Was Admiral Byrd? Admiral Richard E. Byrd was an early-20th century adventurer and explorer. He was an intrepid fellow, and if anyone could have made it to some kind of inner Earth it was him. Understanding a little more about Admiral Byrd, and the time in which he lived, might help us to understand a bit more about exactly what may have happened to him. Byrd was a U.S. Navy officer and navigation expert. In 1926 he completed the first ever flight over the North Pole, though in more recent times some contest he never actually reached the pole. The next year he completed one of the first trans-Atlantic flights, only a few weeks after Charles Lindbergh’s record-setting adventure. In 1929 Byrd became the first pilot to fly to the south pole and back. It’s obvious that Byrd was adventurous, daring, and out to make a name for himself. But this was the nature of times. Many of the machines we take for granted today, such as airplanes and automobiles, were still very new back then, and men and women were taking shots at records left and right. And, back in the 1920s, there were still many places in the world where people had never been. It was men like Admiral Richard E. Byrd who blazed the trails for the scientists and adventurers of today. Byrd went on to visit the Antarctic several more times, and, as legend has it, ventured once more to the North Pole in 1947. It was this alleged 1947 expedition that set his name in stone with Hollow Earth believers. Admiral Byrds Flight into the Hollow Earth In 1947 Byrd allegedly undertook another flight over the North Pole. This time, in a diary that didn’t surface until years later, Byrd recorded events as he flew into the earth, and encountered the inhabitants who live there. He landed his craft, and spoke with a representative of the city of Agartha (referred to as Ariana in some accounts), who reprimanded him for humanity’s recent invention of the atomic bomb, and warned that a dark age is to come if humans don’t shape up. Byrd was sent on his way, with instructions to bring this message back to the surface people. Byrd was a decorated military man and public figure. It’s seems unlikely that he would lie about something he experienced on an expedition, but quite likely he would want to keep it a secret. There are few explorers who would be considered more reliable than Richard E. Byrd, so if Byrd did keep such a diary it probably happened. But, then again, thats the real issue. There are those who say Byrd’s 1947 flight never even occurred, and so the question becomes: Is Byrd’s diary real, or is it a falsification dreamt up by some great hoaxer? The story does have one problem: During the time original accounts of this flight to inner earth are alleged to have occurred, Byrd is documented to have been on the other side of the planet in the Antarctic, participating in an exercise called Operation Highjump. Of course there are those who attach conspiracy theory to this as well, or label it as intentional misinformation to hide Byrd’s real whereabouts.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 17:09:26 +0000

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