The Nazis Holocaust of the Jews ( others) in WWII was just the - TopicsExpress


The Nazis Holocaust of the Jews ( others) in WWII was just the imitation by Hitler of the American Governments design of the Indian Reservation d their policies that were carried out. Hitler called the American Governments policies and treatments of the American Indians The greatest display of total control over mind body and spirit ever devised. Isnt it a shame that even the most barbaric and in human acts as the Jewish Holocaust has its roots back to us. That elements in our own Government throughout our history (no doubt the same Jesuit infiltrators that started the US Civil war, and many other disasters and tragedies in our nations history were the ones getting these policies implemented, as the same Jesuits pushing this in America and Britain that set up Hitler (Via the Bushs, Harrimans, Rockefellers, Fords, Morgans (Etc-) here in America as well as the British Nazi aristocrats) , manipulated the events starting WWI and WWII and set up these Concentration camps and policies for Hitler! It is not proved that is was the Jesuits (Roman Catholic Church) that wrote Hitlers mien Kamp as the Roman Catholic Church worked closely with the Nazis, in smuggling all the wealth stolen and pillaged from the nations underground to us against us all ever since! And, it was the Jesuits and Roman Catholic Church was behind it all! They Are the Nazis! The Jesuit Order IS Hitlers dreaded SS !). After WWII? The Nazi Intelligence (the Jesuit Dreaded SS) along with the Top Nazi Scientists, doctors and teachers (operation Paperclip) was smuggled out of Germany (Roman Catholic Rat lines) into America Britain Canada and Australia, and placed into top positions of the newly formed CIA (Jesuit Dreaded SS) NASA, Universities and hospitals in our countries to continue their Nazi demonic experiments on our people! It is us that are to blame for much of the evil in this world (it hurts to say that) but, it is true. We helped the Beast Power (Nazi Germany) into power, and financed it (sending ships after ships and planes loaded with steel, oil and other precious war resources over under armed and protected escort ordered by Franklin Roosevelt! ). This is the same Jesuit Nazi system that tried a United States Nazi military coop in 1933, but, picked the wrong General (Smidley Butler) to lead the coop, but, Butler went to the president , and , Roosevelt (realizing he was being eliminated), stopped the plot. This is the same CIA (Jesuit SS Nazis) that assassinated Kennedy when he tried to stop the overthrow of America! This was largely accomplished by George Bush (there is much to read and watch about the Bush family! These Nazi SS Jesuits are the CIA, and are working on the behalf of the Roman Catholic Church (the Prophesied Great false Christianity that the Bible calls in Revelation chapter 17, (Rev 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH) (end quote). This Great religious Whore of Revelation (along with the harlot protestant churches that came out of her in protest, and , now are being brought back under her control,by the Jesuit infiltrators through George W. Bushs program Faith based initiative, which is a UN mandated program called (You COG members will love this one) it is called: Continuity of Government or COG for short! (Starting to see the connections to the COG churches?). The Jesuits are the Great Religious Whore of Rev 17 and This is the take over of America Churches by the Prophesied Beast Power in Germany and the Great False Church called Babylon the Great. And people like the Bush Family are some of the most dedicated Nazis on this planet! We have already been taken! These people and this Nazi?Catholic war machine IS the Shadow Government now placed over you! You have no doubt heard of the Shadow Government! What we see played out on the news and at capitol hill and Washington, is this take over of America. Another part of the Nazi plan is for national social breakdown (like we see they did on the American Indians and Hitler did to the people in the concentration camps in WWII. This is brought about be stirring racial strife and civil disobedience, false flag terrorist attacks on the American people, and to that the overrunning of our borders (Planned and Part of the UN Program called Agenda 21), and the flood of criminals and social deviant illegal aliens, food supplies dwindling (have you noticed that when items empty on the store shelf, they are very slow to replace them, if ever), the siege is starting, and with weather upsets, animals coming into towns after out pets and us, our commercial crops are almost all GMO Frankenstein toxic garbage that is not fit for either animal or human food. What is not GMOs is hydroponic and has never seen soil. What is left that is not GMO, or Hydroponic and grown outside in the soil is not producing as the toxins and chemicals they are drenched in from Chemicals are killing them and making them sterile. This list of horrors is longer than I can list here! Wake up folks! They are here now! The terror is from the Top down not across the ocean, and time is running out to see the danger and escape it! https://youtube/watch?v=gTrbVf6SrCc
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 17:58:47 +0000

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