The Necromancer’s Candle: Randy McCharles Milos Radimir has - TopicsExpress


The Necromancer’s Candle: Randy McCharles Milos Radimir has been defined as a necromancer or someone who practices magic, or sorcery. Said to be a magician and having certain powers that a certain Bishop wants to possess, it was not unusual back in the 10th century to find yourself the victim of some dangerous and narrow-minded people. Milos was considered a self-made healer “Who had learned to tap into the forces of Nature.” Helping and curing many yet one Old Bishop Dagar seemed to think that Milos had learned in some way to use one of “God’s tools and thought that there was nothing evil about what he was doing.” But, when Bishop Straka came into power things changed drastically for not only Milos but others too. At the slightest whim he would send a live body, as he was now, into a burning and boiling cauldron. Milos had other distinct powers and the skin and flesh that would compose his roiling soup that one of Straka’s minions was tending to, would create the tallow candles that were necessary for a purpose you just won’t believe. A wizard, enchanter, someone who practices divination by conjuring up the dead or someone who claims to discover hidden knowledge with the aid of supernatural powers you decide which one Milos was as you enter the room, feel the heat, see the paddle move back and forth in Jiri’s hands and hear the threats of Master Dupek, who with Straka’s dogs watched over the cauldron making sure that this man’s death happened. Twelve moulds for twelve candles that must be properly filled and all the same size. Each one being used and lit for a specific purpose that becomes evident not in the past but in the present when the author introduces Cassidy. The Necromancer’s Candle: created: Who would kill for it and why? Great evils might be stopped by goodly acts stated Bishop Dagar before he died. A thirteenth candle: the evil Straka would enact the candle and steal the magic that lies beneath the boiling water and within the candle of Milos Radimir. Present day Los Angeles takes us to the funeral of Carolyn Faith. Those present remember her as a sweet, kind and wonderful mother and businesswoman whose husband left her in a furry when learning about his daughter’s terminal illness. We meet Cassidy at this point, Emily Sanderson who helps and works with her at her mother’s candle shop and we learn more about the illness that Cassidy has and Dr. Kinman who watches over her. The candle shop means the world to Cassidy and it’s where she feels her mother’s presence and where she belongs. But, although not a small child, still a minor at 16, Social Services and the relentless Estelle Walker are all over her when the funeral ends and threatens to place her in foster care. Not really caring about what Cassidy needs, her illness or the fact that she just lost her father, this woman hunts her down, brings along law enforcement but will soon learn she is no match for those who love and care for Cassidy. But, within her present world lurks a spirit and demon from the past that wants to take away more than just the candle shop as he did when he killed her mother. The story intertwines the past and the present as one character explains his presence but not before others die at his hand. Wanting what Milo’s might have left within that last Candle can Cassidy stop what has already cost many lives. As she begins to realize that someone is stalking and following her, her father returns only to face the wrath of many. Why he left and the real reason comes out? Just how Emily remains a close friend is revealed and Cassidy learns that the only way to survive might be to admit herself into the hospital to escape Estelle and Child Services. But, within this plot we learn many things about loyalty, trust, deceit, lies and the true meaning of what the 13th or the Necromancer’s Candle holds below its wick and as we watch it brought to life the ending will surprise readers and the outcome will change many lives. Full House: Jonas Smith is fired from his job and has to find a way to tell his wife, daughter and sister-in-law. Fired and now needing another job he ventures ahead painting his house, dealing with his poker friends and then learning about a murder in the house next store. William Badlin was killed and a young man named Ricky is arrested for the crime but is he innocent or guilty? Playing poker with his best friend Larry we can tell that there is something about him that is off. Spending much of his time painting his house, playing cards with his neighbors and living with three women, things begin to happen within the neighborhood that appear to be strange. His daughter’s ex comes back, stalks her, threatens her and the police seem useless and helpless when dealing with him. A strong but well deserved beating takes him out for a while, but Dennis is relentless in his quest to get Susan back. Ann, his sister in law claims that the Badlin’s have a daughter named Priscilla, who no one has ever seen. The plot begins or the story begins during the time of King Arthur as several witches tend to his wounds, take him away and Galahad is asked to watch and protect the Holy Grail until his return. Jonas finds himself embroiled in the lives of his friends, his neighbor and the link to the past dealing with Merlin, King Arthur and the search for the Holy Grail. Just how this all comes together and how it connects to the Badlin family, King Arthur and someone who has remained hidden until now you won’t believe. Playing cards Jonas has never had a full house or three of a kind or a pair. Play that last hand with you and find out who wins! Full House: Living in one with so many his house is full even without the cards. A simple murder, a house of cards and a family that has been waiting for centuries as Jonas and Mr. Badlin team up to defend each other’s homes, fix family relationships and find a way to move on in the present. Merlin’s Silver: Imagine going to an auction and bidding on a tea service. Imagine someone else bidding on the same thing. You win the bid and pay double what you have planned on spending. Someone offers to pay you the amount you bid plus 2000 dollars more for the same thing you just bought. You refuse. You come home and your house is burnt to the ground and no one seems to know why. The tea service is made of silver and there are many who would kill for it. Your life is in danger and you meet a strange man named Odd Bodkins who becomes your protector. Your husband Patrick has to go away on business and his company is putting you up at an expensive hotel until you find another place to live. But, things take on quite an unusual turn when this Odd man befriends you and claims that you need protection because something about this tea service will put you in grave danger. Sally is her friend, or so she thinks and seems to be there whenever things go awry. A strange phone call from an anonymous caller offers to buy to tea service but you will not give it up. Sally, your best friend offers to buy it and take it off your hands. Every step of the way there is something that goes wrong and those that want it will stop at nothing. Tons of black magicians are behind the fires that occur and the attempts on lives. But, just what is causing everyone to want this silver tea service? What does it have to do with Merlin and his magician school? Read this humorous story and get to know Joan, Sally, and Patrick and find out just how they attempt to cheat death, unleash or unseal the magic within the tea service and find out where it all winds up. Best friends, strange man, the past coming full circle into the present. How many pots of gold will you bid to buy this sterling silver tea set? Be there when the bidding starts and find out what happens when Merlin’s Silver goes up for bids. Three original stories all dealing with events from the past that lead to the present. Will Cassidy live long enough to find the 13th candle and light it? What will happen if she does? Will Jonas find the real Holy Grail and who killed William Badlin? Will Merlin’s silver destroy more people or will it finally be returned to its rightful owner. The Necromancer Candle: Randy McCharles. The magic lies within the pages. Fran Lewis: Reviewer
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:08:39 +0000

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