The Need for Gifts of the Holy Ghost So that ye come behind in - TopicsExpress


The Need for Gifts of the Holy Ghost So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: 1 Corinthians 1:7 I firmly say yes! We will find nowhere, in Gods Holy Word, where He ever discarded or said that the Gifts of the Spirit are not to be evident or at work in His Church. In fact, just the opposite is said. If we take a close look at the church today, we all must admit that in every denomination, by the way God did not create denomination that is man’s doings, because there is only one Church. The Word tells us that He (Christ Jesus) must be lifted up and along with that comes the entire Bible. We cannot have just a piece of the Bible but it will be all or none. If this was being done we would, have more churches full and expanding than we do. We have many great orators and few God called preachers. Just a quick look back most old time preachers were very staunch in their preaching of the Holy Word as well, they did not worry if someone got upset about the message they knew who they served. To say it plain, God was in charge not some board. Paul in his time was probably one of the most educated men of his day. Yet his own words were that he came not with enticing words of man’s wisdom but in demonstration of God’s Power. Why? I am glad you ask. Power will get people’s attention! God is power, and in the Scripture God always confirmed His Word with Power. Mark 16:14-20, just to mention one place. I don’t believe that men have become so powerful in preaching that we don’t have to have the conformation of God working with them confirming, Mark 16:20. We can even go to the very beginning of creation God spoke and the Spirit moved. There are many others throughout both Old and New Testaments. Let me say that many will think or say that 1Cor. 13 tells us that Charity or love is the greatest gift and how true that is because that is God. The scripture confirms, “God is love”! Love (God) must abound or all is lost. However, where God, or love, is so will His power be! Besides, you must look at the next chapter, I Cor. 14:1a, “Follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts.” I mentioned a line or two back about the confirming of the message with power of the spiritual gifts. Do you think if we saw more demonstration of God in His people maybe more would want to know and believe that He is real? In these closing hours, let the fullness of God’s Word, Power and Gifts of the Holy Ghost work in our lives and reach the lost before He comes. Remember, God has not fallen short, just man. You and I must live righteous through Christ in order to show Him and if we do that Christ and the gifts will be effective to the work of the Church. Pastor Tim
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 10:40:43 +0000

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