The Need to Know the Correct Manhaj Shaykh Rabî’ Ibn Hâdî - TopicsExpress


The Need to Know the Correct Manhaj Shaykh Rabî’ Ibn Hâdî al-Madkhalî [hafidhahullâh] says: ‘‘So we ask Allâh that He prepares for this Islâmic Ummah, intelligent du’ât who weigh the matters, thoughts, personalities, and groups with the scales of the truth - whose intellects are firm, and who are neither misled by blind emotions, nor deceived by the empty slogans that have overwhelmed so many.’’ [1] It is important to mention here that such preparations must only be built upon the correct Islâmic principles; which have as their firmly-rooted foundation: ‘‘[i] Loving the Salaf (pious predecessors) and the manhaj (methodology) they were upon. [ii] Understanding their manhaj - and that is the manhaj of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamâ’ah. [iii] Adhering to the manhaj of the Salaf - whether in matters of manners, da’wah (calling to Allâh), purification, beliefs, or actions.’’ [2] So what is needed are wise, mild, and patient du’ât (callers) working in sincere co-operation with the scholars of Islâm and their students - being cultivated upon the manhaj (methodology) of the Salaf. This necessitates that ‘‘the Book and the Sunnah are made the general framework for every small or large matter; and that their manhaj (methodology) is made the under-garment and outer-garment of the da’wah - its beginning and its end - and that the thinking of such youths, and others who are giving da’wah, should be lead in accordance with this great manhaj - upon which rests the only means for the well-being of the Ummah.’’ [3] source: 1. From Shaykh Rabî’ Ibn Hâdî’s introduction to Kashful-Hijâb (p. 4), slightly adapted. 2. al-Hikmah (p. 59) 3. Fiqhul-Wâqi’ (p. 19)
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:16:33 +0000

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