The Neurotoxin – Fluoride Fluoridation can be dated back to - TopicsExpress


The Neurotoxin – Fluoride Fluoridation can be dated back to 1945 in the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan, the first city to implement fluoridation by adjusting the chemical level to 1.0 ppm. The original idea behind this act was to prevent tooth decay in the population via mass medication known as fluoridation. In the year 2008, more than 72 percent of Americans had access to fluoridated water. This act had it’s opposition in that time period and was publically portrayed as “quacks” when speaking against this “miraculous idea”. Evidence of this can be found in movies such as “Dr. Strangelove”. Scientific evidence today shows a different side to this chemical forced upon Americans. It is now in the same categories as lead and mercury according to most scientist, including Harvard researchers, yet we hear nothing about these studies and categorizing. More recent studies have shown that fluoride is actually a neurotoxin and can be significantly detrimental to the developing brains of children and fetuses. It has been directly linked to many health issues and diseases, including the following : 1. increased lead absorption 2. disruption of synthesis of collagen 3. Hyperactivity and lethargy 4. thyroid diseases 5. arthritis 6. dementia 7. muscle disorders 8. bone fractures and cancers 9. inhibited formation of antibodies 10. genetic damage and cell death 11. increased tumor and cancer growth rates 12. disrupted immune system 13. damaged sperm and increased fertility 14. accelerated maturation of female reproductive organs 15. autism and adhd along with other learning disabilities. 16. calcifying of the pineal gland (commonly known as the “mind’s Eye” and thought to be involved with imagination) which can lead to sleep disorders that run rampant in America. *these were found to manifest worse cases in iodine deficiencies. Other little known facts about fluoride are astonishing to say the least. Majority of well developed countries (such as England) do not fluoridate their water supply. In fact, 97 percent of the Western European population drinks NON-fluoridated water. More people drink fluoridated water in the US than the rest of the world combined. There is no significant correlation in increased tooth decay in countries that don’t fluoridate their supplies and decreased tooth decay in countries that do. Fluoride affects many other tissues, not just your teeth, as evidence by the stated problems it is proven to cause in the brain, thyroid, bones, and muscles. Fluoride readily crosses the placenta and causes toxicity in even unborn children. Fluoridated water provides no evidence to benefit infants and only causes risks. Harvard researchers found direct linkage to the loss of IQ in children in over 24 studies and noted that children living in higher concentrated areas exhibited lower cognitive function than children living in lower concentration areas. The same researchers noted “significant dose-response relation between fluoride level in serum and children’s IQ. This research echoed that of our own EPA when they claimed they had substantial evidence in developmental neurotoxicity associated with this chemical. Fluoride has NEVER been approved by the FDA. Fluoride effects on the brain exhibited in animal experiments include: 1. Reduction of nicotinic receptors (partly responsible for muscle contraction and tone) 2. Reduction of protein contents 3. Alterations in protein expression 4. Damage to the Hippocampus (the part of the brain believed to be responsible or involved with memory formation, organization, and storing and also involved in emotions. This explains directly Autism and ADHD like symptoms.) 5. inhibition of cholinesterase activities 6. Increase in oxidative stress 7. and most importantly, NEURONAL DEGENERATION (laymen terms – neuron death) I can personally attest that this information is conveniently left out of medical book including my own nursing books. In fact, we are taught that fluoride is a wonderful thing and it helps all of our teeth stay solid and that the government takes care of our fluoride levels for us. So I don’t blame the misinformation on teachers and medical professionals. They are genuinely taught that this chemical is a benefit to us all. I personally challenge all of you to look into this matter for yourselves and not just take my word for it. As humans we should strive to learn and educate ourselves. We should question everything and be eager to find truths for ourselves instead of what is forced down our throats. Cited sources thenewamerican/usnews/health-care/item/18324-top-medical-journal-labels-fluoride-a-neurotoxin articles.mercola/sites/articles/archive/2013/04/30/water-fluoridation-facts.aspx
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 21:56:05 +0000

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