The New Age is / was a hijacking of Buddhism and Shamanism, I AM A - TopicsExpress


The New Age is / was a hijacking of Buddhism and Shamanism, I AM A BUDDHIST and was once part of this New Age community, I should know ! [Wiki Page] According to author Nevill Drury, the origins of the movement can be found in the 18th and 19th centuries, particularly through the works of the esotericists Emanuel Swedenborg, Franz Mesmer, Helena Blavatsky and George Gurdjieff, who laid some of the basic philosophical principles that would later influence the movement. It would gain further momentum in the 1960s, taking influence from metaphysics, self-help psychology, and the various Indian gurus who visited the West during that decade.[7] The New Age movement includes elements of older spiritual and religious traditions ranging from atheism and monotheism through classical pantheism, naturalistic pantheism, pandeism and panentheism to polytheism combined with science and Gaia philosophy; particularly archaeoastronomy, astronomy, ecology, environmentalism, the Gaia hypothesis, psychology, and physics. New Age practices and philosophies sometimes draw inspiration from major world religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Chinese folk religion, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism; with strong influences from East Asian religions, Gnosticism, Neopaganism, New Thought, Spiritualism, Theosophy, Universalism, and Western esotericism.[8] The term New Age refers to the coming astrological Age of Aquarius.[1] The New Age movement is a Western spiritual movement that developed in the second half of the 20th century. Its central precepts have been described as drawing on both Eastern and Western spiritual and metaphysical traditions and then infusing them with influences from self-help and motivational psychology, holistic health, parapsychology, consciousness research and quantum physics.[2] It aims to create a spirituality without borders or confining dogmas that is inclusive and pluralistic.[3] Another of its primary traits is holding to a holistic worldview,[4] thereby emphasising that the Mind, Body and Spirit are interrelated[1] and that there is a form of Monism and unity throughout the universe.[5] It further attempts to create a worldview that includes both science and spirituality[6] and thereby embraces a number of forms of science and pseudoscience. One of the features of this New Age is that the New Age movement is too diffuse to have a single community organization. Periodicals serve as one of the few ways of uniting the movement, though different teachers and organizations also bring New Agers together. The New Age movement is highly diffuse, lacking a central organization or structure. Rather, the New Age possesses multiple organizational centers, each of which caters to particular subcultures within the New Age movement. These structural centers include regional and national periodicals, the individual relationships between New Age practitioners and their spiritual teachers, and the organizations founded by particular leaders or schools of thought within the New Age movement. Since reading serves a central role in New Age practice, journals and periodicals function as one of central structures holding the movement together. Magazines with national distribution such as Body & Soul and New Age Journal serve as connections between readers, spreading new ideas, practices, and information about new teachers throughout the diffuse movement. Within smaller geographic scopes, regional publications serve the same function. Most major cities feature such New Age newspapers. These periodicals sometimes operate as the only link between New Agers with widely different sets of beliefs and practices. New Age practitioners who engage in alternative healing, for example, may have few social interactions with those who focus on channeling or meditation. Yet by sharing subscriptions to these publications, or picking up free advertiser-supported regional newspapers, New Agers cement their identity as part of a distinct subculture. The events, books, and products advertised in these periodicals create the common structure that holds together the New Age movement. Two contemporary sociologists of religion, William Sims Bainbridge and Rodney Stark, have described religious movements like the New Age as client cults. (They do not use the word cult in any negative sense, only in the sense of new religion.) A client cult differs from most other religious movements because it lacks a clear religious community. Instead, individual spiritual seekers-clients-work with a smaller set of spiritual teachers-providers. While this form of organization results in very few direct connections between individual New Age practitioners, it does heighten the value of the relationship between clients and providers. That relationship functions as one of the defining characteristics of New Age community organization. patheos/Library/New-Age/Ethics-Morality-Community/Community-Organization-and-Structure.html Gerald L. Atkinson 4 July 2001: About a year ago, a former chaplain (who essentially ‘resigned his commission’ by retiring as a result of what he saw being developed in the ‘ethics’ program) at the Naval Academy told me that the military chaplains there are expressly forbidden to participate in the Character Development Seminars, which are touted as the centroid of the new ‘ethics’ program. Navy O-5s and O-6s are eligible to lead and ‘facilitate’ Midshipmen, that is, be the New Age ‘priests’ and ‘pastors’ in the new ‘ethics’ seminars, but ordained military chaplains are not allowed to participate. So, what is going on here? This means that chaplains, who traditionally tended to the moral development and ethical practices of our nation’s military personnel are now expressly forbidden from participating in the central activity of their craft in the new ‘ethics’ program. Meanwhile, uninitiated, ill-prepared, and over-worked Naval officers are forced to take on the task of ‘informing’ the ethical character of the Academy’s midshipmen. And the Mids under their charge are forced to complete a mandatory ‘ethics’ program. That, folks, is secular humanism – the New Age, enforced, state religion in which America’s young are being indoctrinated at the Naval Academy. newtotalitarians/index_files/SecularHumanismSummary.htm The previous zodiacal age was that of Pisces. The zodiacal symbol of Pisces, the fish, is also an important Christian symbol, and it is noteworthy that the age of Pisces coincided with the age of Christianity. During the previous age dates were written with the suffix A.D. which stands for Anno Domini or Year of Our Lord denoting the era of Christ. Alternatively, dates were denoted B.C. - Before Christ. In 2002 AD, as the Age of Pisces was giving way to the new age of Aquarius, the decision was officially taken to replace the BC/AD date referencing system with the new CE/BCE references which stand for Common Era and Before the Common Era.[4] What better way for the New Secular Order to proclaim the begginning of its reign than to secularise the way in which dates are recorded, replacing the Christian dating system of the old Order with a new, secular system for the for the Aquarian age? Consider the official Great Seal of the Unites States of America[5], which is most commonly seen on the back of the one the dollar bill[6] - probably the worlds most familiar banknote. On the US Great Seal, beneath the ancient Pyramid, is the Latin inscription: Novus Ordo Seclorum. The official translation of this motto is A New Order of the Ages. The Latin word Novus means New, and Ordo means Order. The Latin word Seclorum and its English equivalent Secular both share the same three alternative definitions: (1) Secular - without religion; (2) Worldly - of this world; and (3) From century to century - or from age to age. Thus, the motto Novus Ordo Seclorum has three different but equally valid translations: ▪ New Secular Order ▪ New World Order ▪ New Order of the Ages The different meanings of Novus Ordo Seclorum are not mutually exclusive; in fact, they are synergistic. The alternative translations are all as pertinent today as they were at the beginning of the new American era in 1776. Let this be a testament the wisdom of the men who chose these words, for they demonstrate the esoteric power of language and the written Word. This is just the preliminary research that for the most part, confirms my recent distrust of ANY New Age or New Order which can be traced to Rockefeller Foundation funding. This video link, https://youtube/watch?v=8INGSHTkojI&feature=player_embedded shows more of the symbology that is planted on our currency, which, taken as a whole, simply CANNOT be accident, you will begin to understand why if you are new to this subject matter. More in-depth articles on the Aquarian conspiracy linked HERE: terrorism-illuminati/content/aquarian-conspiracy illuminati-news/art-and-mc/aquarian-conspiracy.htm endthelie/books-and-reading-material/the-illuminati-formula-to-create-an-undetectable-total-mind-control-slave-by-fritz-springmeier-cisco-wheeler/illuminati-mind-control-chapter-7/#axzz1QlNiRDGx The middle one is by far the most comprehensive. [47 pages] First and third much shorter if you like smaller bites. This branch has been hijacked a LOT by the New Age, such that [While Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, by Robert M. Pirsig, was a 1974 bestseller, it in fact has little to do with Zen as a religious practice nor with motorcycle maintenance for that matter. Rather it deals with the notion of the metaphysics of quality from the point of view of the main character. Pirsig was attending the Minnesota Zen Center at the time of writing the book. He has stated that, despite its title, the book should in no way be associated with that great body of factual information relating to orthodox Zen Buddhist practice.] Divorcing Zen from a study of the eightfold path is akin to divorcing Christianity from Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary. Or cutting off the taproot of a big tree. The health and vigor of the tree is compromised. Someone once said that compassion only applies to one aspect of the eightfold path. That is like saying oxygen only applies to the lungs and not the rest of the body which will die without it.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 20:32:55 +0000

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