The New American has done a nice interview with Sheriff Mack, - TopicsExpress


The New American has done a nice interview with Sheriff Mack, founder of Constitutional Sheriffs And Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), and also brags about Oath Keepers’ role in reinforcing CSPOA peace officers who will honor their Oath to the Constitution. Here is a good article you’re sure to enjoy. Sheriff Mack: “We’re Taking Back America One County at a Time” This article was written by Bob Adelmann for The New American and published August 27 2014. Please read entire article at The New American website: thenewamerican/usnews/constitution/item/19000-sheriff-mack-we-re-taking-back-america-one-county-at-a-time Excerpts: In an exclusive interview with The New American, retired Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack (shown), founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), highlighted the successes that members of his organization are having in resisting unconstitutional challenges by the federal government and declared that with these successes, “We are taking back America one county at a time!” It’s not just rhetoric. CSPOA members have pledged to keep their word to uphold, defend, protect, preserve, and obey the U.S. Constitution. And they are doing just that. Sheriff Tony Desmond of Schoharie County, New York, put it simply: “If you have an assault weapon which under the state’s [new] SAFE act is considered illegal, I don’t look at it as being illegal just because someone says it is.” There is Grant County, Oregon Sheriff Glenn Palmer, who sent a letter on March 31, 2011 to the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) refusing their demand that he sign a “cooperative policing agreement” whereby USFS officials would assume police powers in his county: I’m advising you in writing that I will not be signing the agreement. I do not believe that it is in the best interest of the people I serve or the Grant County Sheriff’s office to continue with the agreement… Under Article 1 Section 8 of the United States Constitution, the federal government is limited in its powers and authority. Your jurisdiction as I see it is limited in nature to the Federal Building in [the city of] John Day. Within the confines of Grant County, Oregon, the duties and responsibilities of law enforcement will rest with the County Sheriff and his designees. To date, that policing agreement remains inoperative in Grant County, Oregon. There’s Sheriff Tony DeMeo of Nye County, Nevada. Before he took office, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an agency of the Department of the Interior, seized some of Nye Count resident Wayne Hage’s cattle from his ranch using armed federal agents. When DeMeo was elected sheriff, he told his deputies that cattle seizures by federal agents were prohibited and that any federal agents attempting to confiscate cattle in the future would be arrested. Shortly thereafter BLM agents arrived at Hage’s ranch, whereupon one of DeMeo’s deputies informed them that there would be no seizure of any of Hage’s cattle. DeMeo based his decision on the Constitution. The deputy was told that BLM federal agents would arrest the sheriff and use armed force to take Hage’s cattle. Sheriff DeMeo advised the federal agents that their SWAT team would be faced with DeMeo’s SWAT team if they proceeded. DeMeo explained that his deputies were empowered to refuse unlawful orders if the orders violated the U.S. Constitution, the Nevada state constitution, local laws, or policies. The armed confrontation threatened by the federal agents never materialized. DeMeo added that while Nevada is more than 90 percent federally managed, those public lands are actually owned by the people, and the federal government is limited in its authority under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution…. (End excerpts) Please enjoy the whole article at The New American: thenewamerican/usnews/constitution/item/19000-sheriff-mack-we-re-taking-back-america-one-county-at-a-time
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 23:40:17 +0000

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